
Dart, Flutter, Firestore

MIT License


Family Voice Client

  • Web
  • from command line, execute ./setupChromeCorsOverride.sh
    this allows the app to run w/o CORS - otherwise your images won't display
  • use flutter channel master
  • update lib/main_web.dart w/
  • flutter clean
  • flutter build web --dart-define=FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true -t lib/main_web_prod.dart
  • copy files from build/web' to voiceClientWeb` and commit
  • go to and pull
  • change nginx/sites change the web_server to port 3004
  • from flutter/voiceUtils/nginx run restart.sh

When testing locally web, be sure to source setupChromeCorsOverride.sh so that Chrome startups w/o supporting CORS

For testing locally (use target: Chrome SKIA)

final configuredApp = AppConfig(
    flavorName: 'Dev',
        '', //https://myfamilyvoice.com', //', //'http://dev-myfamilyvoice.com',
    getHttpLink: getHttpLink,
    isSecured: true,
    isWeb: true,
    withCors: false,
    child: MyApp(),
  • Testing w/ Gherkin
    • Note: the voiceFileServer and the voiceServerBarton have to be started with export foo=barton
    • flutter run -d CA0BCD8D-1EB0-4DFD-B452-BDA42C313C9A -t lib/main_integration_test.dart --verbose
    • take uri and update app_test
    • If wanting to breakdown to steps and/or specific scenarios, use this
    • dart app_test_steps.dart --deleteTestUser=yes --deleteBook=yes --deleteBooksMessages=yes --deleteFamilyTestUsers=yes --deleteStoryReactions=yes --deleteNineth=yes --runTag=all --uri=
    • OR
    • dart app_test_steps.dart --deleteTestUser=no --deleteBook=no --deleteBooksMessages=no --deleteFamilyTestUsers=no --deleteStoryReactions=no --deleteNineth=yes --runTag=nineth --uri=
    • To run all the tests w/ deletion of data between scenarios, use this:
    • dart app_test_main.dart --uri=
    • Build report by running this
    • cp report.json ~/flutter/cucumber and run node index.js
    • Then in ~/flutter/cucumber, commit the changes and push
    • View the report: https://bartonhammond.github.io/mfv-gherkin/
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