
Example of running Datasette on Azure Functions


Deploying Datasette using Azure Functions

This repository shows an example of Datasette deployed using Azure Functions.

It uses a slightly modified version of the ASGI proof of concept wrapper created by Anthony Shaw in this GitHub issues thread.

To deploy you'll need an Azure account, plus the az and func command-line tools. I installed these following the instructions in this tutorial - specifically this and this.

You'll need to create a resource group, a storage account and a function app.

I found that the resource group needed to be in westeurope for functions to work correctly.

Creating the resource group:

az group create \
    --name datasette-rg \
    --location westeurope

Creating the storage account:

az storage account create \
    --name datasettestorage \
    --location westeurope \
    --resource-group datasette-rg \
    --sku Standard_LRS

Creating the function app. The name here is the name that will be exposed in the default URL, so it needs to be globally unique - unlike the storage account and resource group which only have to be unique within your Azure account.

az functionapp create \
    --resource-group datasette-rg \
    --consumption-plan-location westeurope \
    --runtime python \
    --runtime-version 3.8 \
    --functions-version 3 \
    --storage-account datasettestorage \
    --os-type linux \
    --name azure-functions-datasette

Finally, deploy the application like so:

func azure functionapp publish azure-functions-datasette