
Smoke-testing of Internet-in-a-Box OS builds using Jekins and vagrant.


Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) Smoke Tests

Smoke-testing of Internet-in-a-Box OS builds using Jekins and vagrant. This repository contains Vagrant virtual images for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and CentOS.

At the moment Raspbian virtual image emulated in Qemu using Jessie kernel and Raspbian Stretch Lite image. In future releases, this would be ported using vagrant-libvirt provider.

The goal of the project is to port George Hunt's xsce-tests for Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) project.


You can launch a virtual machine by typing vagrant up. The default 'debian' virtual machine will be launched and provisioned.

You'll need a Jenkins server with Vagrant plugin installed. To speed up builds by caching packages you'll need vagrant-cachier and vagrant-vbguest to automatically sync VirtualBox guest additions.

You can then add new jobs to build Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) for each target operating system.

You can add the example jobs in Jenkins/ folder with Jenkin command line tool.

$ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ --username <jenkins_user> --password "<jenkins_password" create-job IIAB-Ubuntu < Jenkins/ubuntu-job-config.xml

The example jobs runs nightly jobs builds and emails the results to '[email protected]'. Don't forget to change this email address in Post-build Actions section of the Jenkins job configuration page.






Port Rasbian Qemu to vagrant-libvirt.