
Puppet module for managing newrelic-plugin-agent


This is module for managing modular newrelic agent from MeetMe

It's still work-in-progress, but already can be used in production. Status:

  • Installs, configures and starts without problems
  • All services supported (but not with all options)
  • No multi-daemon support (for now)
  • Tested only on Debian 7, although it have RPM-based distros support
  • Almost no docs except example (not with all options) config

Example config:

class { newrelic_plugin_agent:
  license_key          => 'THIS_IS_YOUR_LICENSE_KEY',
  newrelic_api_timeout => '10',
  wake_interval        => '60',
  enable               => true,
  user                 => 'newrelic',
  restart              => true,
  pidfile              => "/var/run/newrelic/newrelic-plugin-agent.pid",

newrelic_plugin_agent::memcached { 'memcached 1':
  host => 'localhost',
  port => '11211',

newrelic_plugin_agent::apache_httpd { 'apache 1': 
  scheme          => 'http',
  host            => 'localhost',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'True',
  port            => '80',
  path            => '/server-status'

newrelic_plugin_agent::mongodb { 'mongo 1':
  host      => 'localhost',
  port      => '27017',
  ssl       => 'False',
  databases => [ 'first-db', 'second-db' ]

newrelic_plugin_agent::nginx { 'nginx 1':
  scheme          => 'http',
  host            => 'localhost',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'False',
  port            => '80',
  path            => '/server-status'

newrelic_plugin_agent::php_fpm { 'php-fpm 1':
  scheme => 'https',
  host   => 'localhost',
  port   => '443',
  path   => '/fpm_status',
  query  => 'json',

newrelic_plugin_agent::redis { 'redis 1': 
  host      => 'localhost',
  port      => '6379',
  #path     => '/path/to/unix/socket',
  #db_count => '1',
  #password => 'pass',

newrelic_plugin_agent::riak { 'riak 1': 
  host            => 'node0.riak0.scs.mtmeprod.net',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'true',
  port            => '8098'

newrelic_plugin_agent::couchdb { 'couchdb 1': 
  host            => 'localhost',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'true',
  port            => '5984',
  username        => 'foo',
  password        => 'bar',

newrelic_plugin_agent::uwsgi { 'uwsgi 1': 
  host => 'localhost',
  port => '1717',
  path => '/path/to/unix/socket',

newrelic_plugin_agent::haproxy { 'haproxy 1': 
  name            => 'haproxy',
  scheme          => 'http',
  host            => 'localhost',
  port            => '8080',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'true',
  path            => '/haproxy?stats;csv',

newrelic_plugin_agent::postgresql { 'postgresql 1': 
  host      => 'localhost',
  port      => '5432',
  user      => 'postgres',
  dbname    => 'postgres',
  superuser => 'False',

newrelic_plugin_agent::pgbouncer { 'pgbouncer 1': 
  host => 'localhost',
  port => '6000',
  user => 'stats',

newrelic_plugin_agent::php_npc { 'PHP APC 1': 
  scheme          => 'http',
  host            => 'localhost',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'true',
  port            => '80',
  path            => '/apc-nrp.php',

newrelic_plugin_agent::rabbitmq { 'RabbitMQ 1':
  host            => 'localhost',
  port            => '15672',
  verify_ssl_cert => 'true',
  username        => 'guest',
  password        => 'guest',

newrelic_plugin_agent::elasticsearch { 'ElasticSearch 1':
  host   => 'localhost',
  port   => '9200',
  scheme => 'http',
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