
Pretty up your terminal window with ascii art and informational snippets about your system.

GPL-3.0 License


Simple MOTD for Debian Desktop

Ubuntu-like "message of the day" screen for Debian desktop terminals, without the requirement of PAM

^ Single-user display mode (only angela is configured access -- test does not have the MOTD configured.)


  • Prettify your terminal with ASCII art and informational statistics on each terminal launch
  • Does not interfere with any system-based MOTD you may have set (/etc/motd)
  • Display the MOTD only for your user, or every user on the system
  • Not reliant on PAM or an SSH server (ideal for Debian-based desktop environments)


Clone the repo or download the latest .deb installer from the releases page and run:

sudo apt install ./simple-motd.deb

in the directory you downloaded the .deb to. (ie. cd /tmp && sudo apt install ./simple-motd.deb)

Additional Users

Users that are added after installation will also be granted view of the MOTD (if you have 'All' configured)

su - root being the exception. (User ID 0 is not issued a MOTD.)

To change your configuration of who sees the MOTD:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure simple-motd


sudo apt remove --purge simple-motd

Tested in Gnome and Tilix terminals (the motd loads upon each new terminal launch, without having to log out of your active desktop session).

Original base code from Ubuntu's server motd

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