
CLI Discord Bot

MIT License


CLI Discord Bot

Written in Deno and deployed with Docker.

This is a generalized version of SwiftCompilerDiscordappBot that can be used with various CLIs by configuration.

How to use

  1. Set Up Bot Account

    Creating a discord bot & getting a token

    Required Permissions:

    • CHANGE_NICKNAME for update nickname
    • READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY and VIEW_CHANNEL for update replies on updating
      request from user
  2. Invite Bot to Your Guild

    Open following URL with changing <Client ID> to your bot's Client ID:<Client ID>&scope=bot&permissions=67174400

  3. Run bot on local host using docker compose

    export DISCORD_TOKEN="<discord token here>" # discord token
    docker compose up
  4. Send mention to Bot

    • The bot will use the first code block as its standard input.
    • The bot will treat the mentioned lines as arguments for CLI command lines.
    • The bot will run the CLI for each command line and return them in replies.
    • When you edit/delete a mention, the bot will also edit/delete its replies.
    • The bot will reply in DM channel without mentions.


Build time configuration

Variable Name Description default
DOCKER_IMAGE Docker image that provides swift on ubuntu ubuntu:latest

Environment variables for run time configurations

Variable Name Description default
DISCORD_TOKEN Discord Bot's token
DISCORD_PLAYING status for "Playing" TARGET_CLI value
ENV_COMMAND Env command launching Timeout command /usr/bin/env
ENV_ARGS arguments for Env command -i
TARGET_CLI target CLI cat
TARGET_ARGS_TO_USE_STDIN arguments for CLI with input
TARGET_DEFAULT_ARGS arguments for CLI with no arguments
TIMEOUT_COMMAND Timeout command launching target CLI timeout
TIMEOUT_ARGS arguments for timeout command --signal=KILL 30


swift 5.4 compiler bot:

export DISCORD_TOKEN="<discord token here>" # discord token
export DOCKER_IMAGE=swift:latest            # docker image
export TARGET_CLI=swift                     # target cli
export TARGET_ARGS_TO_USE_STDIN=-           # swift requires "-" to use stdin as code
docker compose up

jq bot:

export DISCORD_TOKEN="<discord token here>" # discord token
export DOCKER_IMAGE=stedolan/jq:latest      # docker image
export TARGET_CLI=jq                        # target cli
docker-compose up


Norio Nomura


CLI Discord Bot is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.