
Upload your local files & folders to Telegram chat.

MIT License


File/Folder Upload Bot

A dead simple Telegram bot to upload your local files by file path or folder path. Can be used as a backup helper. Originally, I created this bot to automate backing up my files to Telegram while I change or reinstall my Linux distro. For example, if you have a directory of videos, you can use this bot to upload them for you. With some slight modifications, you can make it upload as you want. With a local bot API server you can also make it support files upto 2GB in size.

Demo usage preview

It's a bit older preview, but it still almost the same thing. The command /folder has been changed to /upload after adding the support for both files and folders.

  • It would be cool to have index messages of the uploaded files. (in groups
    and channels)
  • ZIP/RAR/TAR support?


You need Deno to run this bot. I created this bot on v1.18.2. Also, I recommend setting up a local bot API server and increasing your file size limit.

1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd folder-upload-bot

2. Configure the .env variables

You can either set them in a .env file in the root of this repo folder, or you can set them using export ADMIN_ID=1234567890 in your terminal.

  • BOT_TOKEN: Telegram Bot token. Get yours from
  • ADMIN_ID: The user ID of the owner. Because- you know, you don't want other
    people downloading your private files, right?
  • API_ROOT: Set this to the URL of your local api server, if you have one.

3. Run bot.ts

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-env bot.ts
  • --allow-net: For internet access.
  • --allow-env: For accessing required ENV variables.
  • --allow-read: To read files from your machine.

If you have everything done right, your bot should be running, and you should see a message "<bot_username> started." in your console.

But if you're still having issues, please open an issue here :)