
Small static site generator toolkit

LGPL-3.0 License


Jikji: small static site generator toolkit

Jikji is a small toolkit for building your own static site generators on Deno.

Currently, it provides the below composable building blocks:

  • Parallel generation
  • Partial generation
  • Flexible permalinks
  • Watch changes & reload
  • First-class support for content negotiation on type & language
  • Markdown (powered by markdown-it)
  • EJS/ETS template engine (powered by dejs)
  • SCSS stylesheet preprocessor (powered by grass)


import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/jikji/mod.ts";
import { markdown } from "https://deno.land/x/jikji/markdown.ts";

const baseUrl = new URL("http://localhost:8000/");
const outDir = "public_html";

// Scans for Markdown files in the posts/ directory:
await scanFiles(["posts/**/*.md"])
  // Renders posts written in Markdown to HTML:
  .transform(markdown(), { type: "text/markdown" })
  // Makes permalinks like posts/foobar/ instead of posts/foobar.md
  // Maps the current directory to the target URL <https://example.com/>:
  // E.g., ./posts/foobar.md -> https://example.com/posts/foobar/
  .move(rebase("posts/", baseUrl))
  // Writes the files to the output directory (public_html/):
  .forEach(writeFiles(outDir, baseUrl));
  // If you want watch mode, use forEachWithReloading() instead:
  // .forEachWithReloading(writeFiles(outDir, baseUrl));

More realistic examples are placed in the examples/ directory.

Key concepts

Building blocks that Jikji provides are based on the following concepts:

  • Pipeline represents the entire steps from the input to the output.
    It's like a stream of zero or more Resources. Its whole process is
    lazy so that if some parts don't need to be generated again they are even
    not loaded at all.
    (In the above example, a new Pipeline is acquired using scanFiles()
    function, but scanFiles() does not immediately list files nor load
    their contents.)
  • Resource represents an abstract resource which is mapped to a unique
    path. Its path is a rather URL than a filesystem path, which means
    it has a scheme like https or file and can end with a slash.
    (Note that intoDirectory() function turns posts/foobar.md into
    posts/foobar/ in the above example.) Resource also can has multiple
    representations for content negotiation on type and language.
  • Content represents an actual content which can belong to Resources
    as a representation. The ContentBody can be lazily loaded and either
    a Unicode text or binary data. They are typed through IANA MediaTypes
    (formerly known as MIME types). Optionally, they can have their
    RFC 5656 LanguageTag to describe their natural language. If you want
    you can put additional metadata like title or published as well.
  • ResourceTransformer transforms a Resource into a modified Resource.
    It purposes to change multiple Resources into new ones in immutable style
    by being passed to Pipeline#map() method.
  • PathTransformer transforms a URL into a modified URL. It purposes
    to change multiple Resources paths into new ones in immutable style by
    being passed to Pipeline#move() method.
    (In the above example, intoDirectory() and rebase() functions return
  • ContentTransformer transforms a Content into a modified Content.
    It purposes to change multiple representations of Resources into new ones
    in immutable style by being passed to Pipeline#transform() method.
    (In the above example, markdown() function returns a

See also API docs.




Distributed under LGPL 3.0.