
Visual Studio Code plugin for Deno

MIT License


Deno for Visual Studio Code

This extension adds support for using Deno with Visual Studio Code, powered by the Deno language server.

⚠️ Important: You need to have a version of Deno CLI installed (v1.13.0 or later). The extension requires the executable and by default will use the environment path. You can explicitly set the path to the executable in Visual Studio Code Settings for deno.path.

Check here for instructions on how to install the Deno CLI.


  • Type checking for JavaScript and TypeScript, including quick fixes, hover
    cards, intellisense, and more.
  • Integrates with the version of the Deno CLI you have installed, ensuring there
    is alignment between your editor and the Deno CLI.
  • Resolution of modules in line with Deno CLI's module resolution strategy
    allows caching of remote modules in Deno CLI's cache.
  • Integration to Deno CLI's linting functionality, including inline diagnostics
    and hover cards.
  • Integration to Deno CLI's formatting functionality.
  • Allow specifying of import maps and TypeScript configuration files that are
    used with the Deno CLI.
  • Auto completion for imports.
  • Workspace folder configuration.
  • Testing Code Lens.
  • Provides Tasks for the Deno CLI.


  1. Install the Deno CLI.
  2. Install this extension.
  3. Ensure deno is available in the environment path, or set its path via the
    deno.path setting in VSCode.
  4. Open the VS Code command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P, and run the Deno:

We recognize that not every TypeScript/JavaScript project that you might work on in VSCode uses Deno — therefore, by default, this extension will only apply the Deno language server when the setting deno.enable is set to true. This can be done via editing the settings or using the command Deno: Initialize Workspace Configuration.

While you can enable Deno globally, you probably only want to do that if every JavaScript/TypeScript workspace you work on in VSCode is a Deno based one.


The extension provides several commands:

  • Deno: Cache - instructs Deno to fetch and cache all the dependencies of the current file open in the editor. This is similar to doing deno cache on the command line. Deno will not automatically fetch and cache remote dependencies.

    ℹ️   If there are missing dependencies in a module, the extension will provide a quick fix to fetch and cache those dependencies, which invokes this command for you.

  • Deno: Enable - will enable Deno on the current workspace. Alternatively you can create a deno.json or deno.jsonc file at the root of your workspace.

  • Deno: Language Server Status - displays a page of information about the status of the Deno Language Server. Useful when submitting a bug about the extension or the language server.

  • Deno: Reload Import Registries Cache - reload any cached responses from the configured import registries.

  • Deno: Welcome - displays the information document that appears when the extension is first installed.


The extension provides formatting capabilities for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, TSX, JSON and markdown documents. When choosing to format a document or setting up a default formatter for these type of files, the extension should be listed as an option.

When configuring a formatter, you use the extension name, which in the case of this extension is denoland.vscode-deno. For example, to configure Deno to format your TypeScript files automatically on saving, you might set your settings.json in the workspace like this:

  "deno.enable": true,
  "deno.lint": true,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "[typescript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "denoland.vscode-deno" }

Or if you wanted to have Deno be your default formatter overall:

  "deno.enable": true,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "denoland.vscode-deno"

Troubleshoot: If you choose this option, ensure your user settings don't have any language-specific settings set for this. VSCode will add this automatically in some cases:

// User `settings.json`:
  // Remove this:
  "[typescript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features"

The formatter will respect the settings in your Deno configuration file, which can be explicitly set via deno.config or automatically detected in the workspace. You can find more information about formatter settings at Deno Tools - Formatter.

ℹ️   It does not currently provide format-on-paste or format-on-type capabilities.


You can control the settings for this extension through your VS Code settings page. You can open the settings page using the Ctrl+, keyboard shortcut. The extension has the following configuration options:

  • deno.enable: Controls if the Deno Language Server is enabled. When enabled,
    the extension will disable the built-in VSCode JavaScript and TypeScript
    language services, and will use the Deno Language Server (deno lsp) instead.
    boolean, default false
  • deno.disablePaths: Controls if the Deno Language Server is disabled for
    specific paths of the workspace folder. Defaults to an empty list.
  • deno.enablePaths: Controls if the Deno Language Server is enabled for only
    specific paths of the workspace folder.
  • deno.path: A path to the deno executable. If unset, the extension will use
    the environment path to resolve the deno executable. If set, the extension
    will use the supplied path. The path should include the executable name (e.g.
    /usr/bin/deno, C:\Program Files\deno\deno.exe).
  • deno.cache: Controls the location of the cache (DENO_DIR) for the Deno
    language server. This is similar to setting the DENO_DIR environment
    variable on the command line.
  • deno.cacheOnSave: Controls if the extension should cache the active
    document's dependencies on save.
  • deno.codeLens.implementations: Enables or disables the display of code lens
    information for implementations for items in the code. boolean, default
  • deno.codeLens.references: Enables or disables the display of code lens
    information for references of items in the code. boolean, default false
  • deno.codeLens.referencesAllFunctions: Enables or disables the display of
    code lens information for all functions in the code. Requires
    deno.codeLens.references to be enabled as well. boolean, default false
  • deno.codeLens.test: Enables or disables the display of test code lens on
    Deno tests. boolean, default false. This feature is deprecated, see
    deno.testing below
  • deno.codeLens.testArgs: Provides additional arguments that should be set
    when invoking the Deno CLI test from a code lens. array of strings, default
    [ "--allow-all" ]
  • deno.config: The file path to a configuration file. This is the equivalent
    to using --config on the command line. The path can be either be relative to
    the workspace, or an absolute path. It is recommended you name this file
    either deno.json or deno.jsonc. string, default null, examples:
    ./deno.jsonc, /path/to/deno.jsonc, C:\path\to\deno.jsonc
  • deno.documentPreloadLimit: Maximum number of file system entries to traverse
    when finding scripts to preload into TypeScript on startup. Set this to 0 to
    disable document preloading.
  • deno.importMap: The file path to an import map. This is the equivalent to
    using --import-map on the command line.
    Import maps
    provide a way to "relocate" modules based on their specifiers. The path can
    either be relative to the workspace, or an absolute path. string, default
    null, examples: ./import_map.json, /path/to/import_map.json,
  • deno.inlayHints.enumMemberValues.enabled - Enable/disable inlay hints for
    enum values.
  • deno.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled - Enable/disable inlay hints
    for implicit function return types.
  • deno.inlayHints.parameterNames.enabled - Enable/disable inlay hints for
    parameter names. Values can be "none", "literals", "all".
  • deno.inlayHints.parameterNames.suppressWhenArgumentMatchesName - Do not
    display an inlay hint when the argument name matches the parameter.
  • deno.inlayHints.parameterTypes.enabled - Enable/disable inlay hints for
    implicit parameter types.
  • deno.inlayHints.propertyDeclarationTypes.enabled - Enable/disable inlay
    hints for implicit property declarations.
  • deno.inlayHints.variableTypes.enabled - Enable/disable inlay hints for
    implicit variable types.
  • deno.inlayHints.variableTypes.suppressWhenTypeMatchesName - Suppress type
    hints where the variable name matches the implicit type.
  • deno.internalDebug: If enabled the Deno Language Server will log additional
    internal diagnostic information.
  • deno.internalInspect: Enables the inspector server for the JS runtime used
    by the Deno Language Server to host its TS server.
  • deno.lint: Controls if linting information will be provided by the Deno
    Language Server. boolean, default true
  • deno.maxTsServerMemory: Maximum amount of memory the TypeScript isolate can
    use. Defaults to 3072 (3GB).
  • deno.suggest.imports.hosts: A map of domain hosts (origins) that are used
    for suggesting import auto completions. (See:
    ImportCompletions for more information.)
  • deno.testing.args: Arguments to use when running tests via the Test
    Explorer. Defaults to [ \"--allow-all\" ].
  • deno.unstable: Controls if code will be executed with Deno's unstable APIs.
    Affects execution which is triggered through the extension, such as test code
    lenses. This is the equivalent to using --unstable on the command line.
    boolean, default false


To see which versions of this extension can be used with each version of the Deno CLI, consult the following table.

Deno CLI vscode-deno
1.40.0 onwards 3.40.0 onwards
1.37.2 - 1.39.4 3.34.0 - 3.39.0
1.37.1 3.32.0 - 3.33.3
1.37.0 3.28.0 - 3.31.0
? - 1.36.4 3.27.0

Version ranges are inclusive. Incompatibilites prior to 3.27.0 were not tracked.


Learn how to setup & contribute to this project


This project was inspired by justjavac/vscode-deno and axetroy/vscode-deno. Thanks for their contributions.


The MIT License