
♡ The best tool to customize your music to suit your mood. Use all the features of the bot to cheer yourself up

MIT License



| Miffie is a good tool to customise your music to suit your mood. Use all the features of the bot to cheer yourself up

| Miffie

The lastest update

Embed color changes

Absolutely new dashboard / Modifying web

Migrating to new web address

Release of all commands

Major bug fixes, new feautures in commands

| Requirements

: Lavalink . Lavalink, .

**** | Miffie's Futures

Bassboost: Basboost effect

Bump: Move now-playing song at the top

Clear: Clear queue

Config: Set up a prefix and DJ role for your server

Disconnect: Disconnect Miffie from Voice Channel

Grab: Move the track at the specific place

Help: The main command. Includes info about other commands

Invite: Get Miffie's invite link

Loop: Loop a track

LoopQueue: Loop a queue

Lyrics: See lyrics of now-playing track

Move: Move now-playing track above or below

nowplaying: See what's on now

pause: Pause a track

play: Start playing a track (provide a song)

... And a lot of different commands ...

**** | Installation

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/Delicacy-Sound/miffie.git

  2. $ cd miffie

  3. $ bash replit.sh (If you are hosting on Replit) | npm i

  4. $ npm start

| Config

module.exports = {
  Admins: ["528930032823959562"],
  ExpressServer: true,
  DefaultPrefix: process.env.Prefix || "", // your prefix
  Port: 3000,
  SupportServer: "https://discord.gg/pMahg5Aama", 
  Token: process.env["TOKEN"], // change it if you are self-hosting it
  ClientID: process.env.Discord_ClientID || "874396158741594113",
  ClientSecret: process.env.ClientSecret || "", // Your bot's secret
  Scopes: ["identify", "guilds", "applications.commands"],
  ServerDeafen: true,
  DefaultVolume: 100,
  CallbackURL: "/api/callback",
  "24/7": false, // if you need radio
  CookieSecret: "", // put whatever you want
  IconURL: "",
  EmbedColor: "#303237", //do not change it if you want your bot to be better
  Permissions: 8,
  Website: process.env.Website || "https://miffie.natedev.tk", //your website

  locale: "en", // still in developing

  Lavalink: {
    id: "Main",
    host: "lava.link",
    port: 80,              // dont touch these fields
    pass: "youshallnotpass",
    secure: false,

  Spotify: {
    ClientID: process.env["$Spotify_ClientID"],
    ClientSecret: process.env["$ClientSercretSP"], // put your values

Made with ❤️ and Node JS!

Copyrights and License


Copyright Miffie 2021

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