
Prefix & Slash command discord bot template

MIT License


SlashCommand & Prefix Handler

This package handler uses both slash commands and prefix command

  • It's a rework on Jackson's slash command handler and follows the same base structure as it and is based on it. All I have done is made improvements to it!

Node version -

  • Built using both node version 18.13.0. Some package may struggle to install on newer node versions. If so, you will need to install node version manager to switch between node versions. Guide found here.

Setting up -

  • Setting up is very easy to do, all you need to do is edit 2 files!
  1. Firstly run the command in your terminal npm i to install the necessary packages from the package.json file.

  2. Go into the .example.env file and remove the .example part so it just reads .env

  3. Fill out all sections in the new .env file.

  4. Head over to the config.js file found in the src folder.

  5. Edit the config.js file to your liking but make sure to keep the same naming conventions. Only change the parts in " "

  • Once you've done this, you should be ready to go, the bot should be fully functioning!

  • NOTE: For this, you will need to install an older version of mongoDB, 6.0.12. To install this run npm i [email protected]

Using commands -

  • Once you've set the bot up, there a few commands I've already added for you. You can see these commands by browsing through both the prefix and commands folders.

  • The default prefix for the bot is a ? unless you've changed it in the config.js file.

Whats the trigger folder? -

  • The trigger folder is a new thing I've added. This is built for handling js message.content.includes aspects.

  • For this, if you @ the bot, it will return a message with the current slash commands in the commands folder.

I'm getting errors -

  • If you are getting persistent errors in your code, try your best to work them out yourself, but if you get stuck, you can open a JavaScript help post here

  • Alternatively you can add me on discord here and DM me your issue and I can try my best to help, however, I'm very tight on time at the moment. You'd be best opening a help post!

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My GitHub - Kkkermit

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