
🤖 Discord bot written in nodejs and discordjs 14 using CommonJs, JSDoc, TSDoc, fast, lightweight, easy to configure

MIT License


Example Guild Info

Bot Discord, which will monitor the information and change channels once a certain amount of time, low weight, optimized!

Example config

/**@type {import('types').IConfiguration}*/
const config = {
	// Display additional information about the bot's actions?
	DetailedLogging: false,

	// Bot token
	Token: 'Enter your token here',

	// Text displayed in bot status
	ActivityText: '',

	// How often the status of the bot should be updated in ms
	ActivityUpdateInterval: 100_000,

	// How often channels must be changed in ms
	ChannelsRenameInterval: 401_000,

	// Server information
	Guilds: [

		// Guild 1
			GuildId: '785107327413911592',
			Channels: [
					// Channel ID
					Id: '1087742580340555857',
					// Channel name with patterns (
					Name: 'Offline {guild-users-presence-offline}',
					Id: '1087742598212489298',
					Name: 'Online {guild-users-presence-online}',
					Id: '1088202692142313553',
					Name: 'Dnd {guild-users-presence-dnd}',

		// Guild 2...
module.exports = config


  • git clone Copy bot files
  • cd ./GuildInfo-Bot/ Go to bot directory
  • npm i Install the bot components
  • >>> Configure config.js <<< Wiki
  • node . Start the bot

OS Dependencies

  • Node.js

Lib Dependencies

  • discord.js
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