
Yet another Discord Music Bot using Discord.js v14 and Lavalink v4

ISC License



  • Built using Discord.js v14 and Lavalink v4
  • Supports Slash Commands, Context Commands, and Prefix Commands
  • User-friendly and easy to set up
  • 24/7 Music Playback
  • Customizable Prefix
  • Supports Docker

Supported Sources

Required Plugins

Note: If you use Lavalink Docker, LavaSrc and Youtube-Source Plugins are already installed. You just need to set up in lavalink/application.yml


  • Node Version v18.x or higher
  • Lavalink v4
  • MongoDB (You can set up a free MongoDB server here)


You can run this bot with or without Docker. For an easy setup, use the make command. If make is not available, use Ensure Docker is installed on your machine to use the bot with Docker.

Looking for a more involved guide on how to install this bot? Use the installation guide.

Using Make

Without Make

  • Before using ./, make sure to run chmod +x ./

Before you start the bot, ensure you have filled out everything in src/config.js.

Command Usage (Docker)

  1. make start or ./ start: Starts the bot with Lavalink using Docker Compose.
  1. make start-noll or ./ start-noll: Starts the bot without Lavalink using Docker Compose.
  1. make restart or ./ restart: Restarts the bot.
  1. make stop or ./ stop: Stops the bot.
  1. make clean or ./ clean: Removes Docker containers.

Command Usage (Without Docker)

  1. make start-local or ./ start local: Starts the bot locally on your machine without Docker Compose.

Note: If you use a VPS and start the bot without Docker, make sure to use pm2 to keep the bot online 24/7.



This project is licensed under the ISC License. You are free to use the music bot for any purpose, including making it public or verifying the bot.

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