
Discord bot called nine developed in JavaScript using the Discord.js library in version 14.

MIT License


In this repository, you will find a Discord bot developed in JavaScript using the Discord.js library in version 14. This project was created as part of a UNINOVE college project.

  • Supported Languages
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt_br)

  • BOT Initialization

  • General Commands
  • /lock - Blocks users from sending messages in the specified text channel.
  • /unlock - Unblocks users from sending messages in the specified text channel.
  • /automensagem - Sets and configures an automatic message to be sent in a specific channel.
  • /setnick - Changes a user's nickname on the server.
  • /say - Sends a message in the current channel as the BOT.
  • /configsugerir - Configures the suggestion system to receive and manage user feedback.
  • /slowmode - Sets a minimum interval between messages that users can send in a text channel.
  • /ticket - Configures and manages the ticket support system.
  • /verificar - Configures the verification system for new users on the server.
  • /setstatus - Changes the BOT's status (online, away, busy, etc.) and sets a status message.
  • /abracar - Sends a hug message to a specific user.
  • /beijar - Sends a kiss message to a specific user.
  • /tapear - Sends a slap message to a specific user.
  • /avatar - Displays the profile picture (avatar) of a specific user.
  • /botinfo - Shows detailed information about the BOT, such as version and developer.
  • /help - Displays a list of available commands and their descriptions.
  • /instagram - Configures the BOT's integration with Instagram for updates and notifications.
  • /convidar - Generates an invite link to add the BOT to another Discord server.
  • /morse - Converts a text message to Morse code or decodes a Morse code message to text.
  • /reportarbug - Configures the system for users to report bugs and issues.
  • /serverinfo - Shows detailed information about the Discord server.
  • /sugerir - Allows users to send suggestions to the configured channel.
  • /userinfo - Shows detailed information about a specific user.
  • /ping - Checks the latency between the BOT and the Discord server.
  • /clear - Clears a specified number of messages in a text channel.
  • /ban - Bans a user from the server.
  • /unban - Removes a user's ban, allowing them to rejoin the server.

  • Official Developer Project

  • Contributing
  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork: git clone
  3. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Stage changes git add .
  5. Commit your changes: cz OR npm run commit do not use git commit
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a pull request
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