
Discord Slash Commands bot to lauch Voice Channel Activities.

MIT License


Activities Bot

Discord Slash Commands bot to launch Voice Channel Activities. Made with Harmony and Deno Deploy. You can invite the bot here.

Originally made by Advaith (Activites Bot). This is a port to Deno Deploy.


This bot is deployed to Deno Deploy. You can also deploy it yourself in few clicks!

  • Click here to Deploy this project. and enter your bot's token (Bot -> Copy Token) and public key (General -> Copy Public Key), available on Discord Developer Portal.
  • Add the project's domain to Interactions Endpoint URL in Developer Portal.
  • Invite the bot from URL and don't forget to replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE with your bot's application ID!

How it works?

Refer to this part of code.

But why bot scope?

Application's bot user must be in the guild to create activity invite.


Copyright 2021 DjDeveloperr

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