
Discord bot boiler-plate

MIT License


Inspired to create stand-alone boiler-plate after contributions I had made to a private bot repository from hailthekid

New Features:

  • Application re-factors:
    • Object oriented implementation and Bot class.
    • Flattened directory structure
    • Registering of event listeners and commands now follow a more common pattern
    • Clear export / import structure
  • Development Tools:
    • Internal and external documentation for important utilities
    • CLI tool for registering commands with Discord API
    • nodemon restarts application automatically during development
    • Pre-commit hooks:
      • eslint - linting
      • prettier - formatter
    • Clear logging for additional information using debug library.


  1. Set up your Github account and install git.

  2. Clone the repository.

     git clone [email protected]:dmartinezgamboa/base-discord-bot-app.git

  3. Fork the repository and set up your remote on github.

     git remote add {your_name} [email protected]:{your_git_username}/bot
  4. Create your own discord bot application.

  5. Setup environment variables.


    Create .env file in the root directory and paste variables

    use .envSample as an example

  6. Install node dependencies.

     npm install
  7. Start the Bot application.

     npm start [--register] 
    • --register: Registers currently implemented slash commands with Discords API globally. See Registering Commands for more options.

      Registering is only necessary for the first time or when command data has been updated.



  1. Install development dependencies.

     npm install -D
  2. Install pre-commit hooks.

     npm run prepare
  3. Run the app in development mode.

     npm run dev


    • --debug Adds logging to stdout. For more options see Debug Logs

Adding Commands:

  1. Create your command file in: src/commands directory, named {myCommandName}.js

    const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js')
    const myCommand = {
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription('my description'),
    execute: execute
    const execute(interaction) => { ... }
    module.exports = { myCommand }
  2. Add your new command to the commands index: src/commands/index.js.

    const { myCommand } = require(./commands.js')'
    module.exports = [myCommand, ...]

Done! The bot will set this command on the client during initialization.


Registering Commands:


For any npm command: (start, run dev etc):

npm start [{--register | --register-only} [--guild-id=<guild_id>] [--clear]]
  • --register: If only option, registers the currently implemented commands globally with Discord API.
  • --register-only: Same operation as --register except the application will exist once registration is complete.
  • --guild-id: If provided along with a --register* option, it will register the currently implemented commands only for that specific guild.
  • --clear: If provided with a --register* option, will remove any registered commands for that scope (Will be global or guild specific depending on additional options.)


Global commands and guild commands are separate lists.

Registering a command globally and for a guild will result in duplicated commands in the server.

Removing a command globally does not remove it from guild lists and vice versa.

Only necessary to run when updating commands. There is a daily limit on registering new commands.


Debug Logs:

Using npm run dev automatically sets the DEBUG environment variable, which adds additional logging while the application is running.

  • Includes all logs from all scopes of the application.

For more information on scope, see the debug library documentation:


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