
StatusBot is a discord bot that will post information about a given Java Editon minecraft server in a given channel once configured.

APACHE-2.0 License



StatusBot is a discord bot that will post information about a given Java Editon minecraft server in a given channel once configured.

Invite to your server

Invite StatusBot to your discord server: Invite link Note, there may be random downtimes if problems occur, and because of the nature of this bot whoever runs the bot will have access to the address of your minecraft server and the name of the channel the bot will be sending messages in. Prevent random people from joining your minecraft server by setting up a whitelist. They will find your public server eventually anyways; People are scanning the internet constantly.


For Fresh install use this command: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

For update installation use this command: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


As far as I can tell, StatusBot only needs the following permissions integer: 68608 If you perform a fresh install, you will need to set the discord token the bot will use. The program looks for this token in a file named .env. If you use the fresh installer, the installer will automatically create this file and open it with nano for you to paste your token. If you use the update installer, it will move the old version to old and copy the old .env to the new folder.

At the moment, StatusBot must install in ~/Desktop/Bots/StatusBot. This will probably change in the future because that's a bit of an odd limitation, don't you think? If you absolutely must change the install directory, run This will likely become a built-in part of installing StatusBot in the future.

In both installation cases, will be run, which will start the bot and restart it in the event of a critical error.

Every time after you install the bot, all you have to do is run or just Looprun will simply call the run script forever.

In the event of an error, information about the error is stored in log.txt in StatusBot's folder.

Using this bot

StatusBot's command prefix is, on default, !status. The actual capitalization of most commands does not matter. StatusBot should respond to the user in the channel they entered the command in, except in the case that the channel does not support being written to.


As of version 0.5.0, the following describes StatusBot's commands.

In Guilds:

help - Display all of StatusBot's valid guild commands.

refresh [force] - Refresh, or re-evaluate, the guild that the command message is sent in. Restarts server pinger if guild address value is set.

If 'force' is given as an additional argument and user is either the guild owner, StatusBot's owner, or a user in the force-refresh-users list, then you can force the guild server pinger to restart. Otherwise it only restarts if it needs too.

set-option <name> <value> - Set option to for the guild you are currently talking to StatusBot in.

If you are StatusBot's owner, you are the guild owner, or you are in the set-option-users list, the following settings can be modified:

address - Address of the java editon minecraft server StatusBot should monitor

channel - Name of the discord channel StatusBot should post player leave-join messages in.

force-refresh-users - List of user IDs able to perform a force refresh.

If you are either StatusBot's owner or you are the guild owner, you modify the set-option-users list.

All of the following options take 'clear', a user id, or a username (including discriminator), to add to list as an argument.

set-option-users - List of user IDs able to modify address and channel values.

get-option <name> - Tell you the value of option . Anyone can retrieve any option.

my-id - Tell the user who sent the message what their unique discord id is.

json - Tell the user who sent the message the last json received from pinging the server.

online - Tell the user who sent the message the last received list of known online players.

ping - Tell the user who sent the message the latency of the connection to the server.

favicon - Post a picture of the server's favicon in the channel the command message was posted in.

current-version - Tell the user the current version of StatusBot.

online-version - Tell the user the current online version of StatusBot. This value is controlled by version.txt in this repository.

In a DM:

help - Display all of StatusBot's valid DM commands.

set-option <name> <value> - Set global dm option to

All of the following options take 'clear', a user id, or a username (including discriminator), to add to list as an argument.

set-option-users - List of users who can modify the update-users and stop-users lists.

NOTE: This option can only be set by the bot owner.

The following two options can only be set by users in the set-option-users list.

update-users - List of users who can run the update dm command

stop-users - List of users who can run the stop dm command

get-option <name> - Get global dm option

get-option in a dm is a bit different than it's counterpart in guild commands. This version of getoption will only tell the user the values of the given option if they are either the bot owner or in the set-option-users list.

stop - Stop the bot. If was used, this has the effect of restarting the bot.

NOTE: This command will only work if you are in the stop-users list in the global dms config file.

update - Attempt to update the bot to the newest version using this github repository.

NOTE: This command is nearly identically to the stop dm command, but uses the update-users global dm config value instead.

my-id - Tell the user who sent the message what their unique discord id is.

current-version - Tell the user the current version of StatusBot.

online-version - Tell the user the current online version of StatusBot. This value is controlled by version.txt in this repository.

Automatic messaging

When StatusBot is connected to a guild and has it's address (and preferably also it's channel) value set, StatusBot will go to the channel defined by the channel option (if unset, goes to first any channels with bot in the title, then general, and if that fails then a random text channel) and post the following message: Server pinger started. As long as the pinger is running every 60 seconds (on default) StatusBot will connect to and ping the server found at address and see if any players have joined or left since the last time it pinged said server. If any players have joined or left the server, StatusBot will tell you!


Parts of code stolen from WOOF (Web Offer One File) from

Extracted from project README
pre-commit code style: black Ruff