
A πŸŒœβš½βš½πŸ‘’ Discord bot, invite ➑

MIT License


πŸŒœβš½βš½πŸ‘’ME bot

Deployable on

glitch / zeit / heroku.

List of supported commands

Command Response Status
!hello world! βœ”
!yo lo!😜 βœ”
!status server status(200/404) βœ”
!cool <string> **All cool strings** βœ”
!uncool <string> **original string** βœ”
!weather <city_name> **weather information** βœ”
!ytt **Top trending on YouTube** βœ”
!twt **Top trending on Twitter** βœ”
!toss **Toss a coin** βœ”
!random **Get a random number** βœ”
!ip <url> **ip address of the url** βœ”
!gcard github_username **Embeded GitHub Card** βœ”
!encrypt text key **Encrypted text** ⏰
!decrypt text key **Decrypted text** ⏰


!gcard mohitkyadav

!gcard google

Environment variables

You need to set these variables in your deployment environment. A sample.env file has been provided for reference. You can set the values there and rename it to .env for local development.

env variable value
TOKEN Discord client token
OWKEY Open weather map API key
YTKEY Youtube API key
PORT Set automatically by your deployment platform
TWAPIKEY Twitter consumer key
TWAPISECRET Twitter consumer secret
TWACCESS Twitter access token
TWACCESSSECRET Twitter access token secret
Extracted from project README
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