
a Discord bot to post Corona reports from RKI data

APACHE-2.0 License



This is a little Discord bot that will post Corona reports in a Discord text channel using data from from Robert-Koch-Institut.


Reports will look something like this:

📈 🟢⚫⚫ Das ist der Corona-Report fr heute (2020-10-23) in LK Main-Spessart: 30.12 7-Tage-Inzidenz 116 aktuell Infizierte 6 Todesflle

📈 ⚫⚫🔴 Das ist der Corona-Report fr heute (2020-10-23) in SK Wrzburg: 89.11 7-Tage-Inzidenz 995 aktuell Infizierte 52 Todesflle

📈 ⚫⚫🔴 Das ist der Corona-Report fr heute (2020-10-23) in LK Wrzburg: 65.31 7-Tage-Inzidenz 818 aktuell Infizierte 7 Todesflle

Bleibt bitte gesund! ☀️

Using it

First download the fat jar from the releases page. Then you need to configure the following parameters and put them in corona-bot.conf. You can create a new bot on

discord {
    token = <your-discord-bot-token>
    channel = <a-text-channel-on-your-server>

robertKochDataSource {
    url = ",cases,deaths,county,last_update,cases7_per_100k&outSR=4326&f=json"
    regions = ["Main-Spessart", "Wrzburg"]

Then run it like this: java -jar corona-bot.jar corona-bot.conf. As the data can get really big and data will only be published at 00:00 local time every day, I would advise you to run this in a daily cronjob.