
Weirdly specific Discord bot with role assigning and lots of memery (used on the Godot Discord server)

MIT License


Godot Engine Discord server bot

This repository contains the source code for the Godot Engine Discord bot.


Command Description
!assign [role] Assigns yourself to one of the available roles.
!meme [author] Returns a meme (only usable in the #bot_cmd channel).
!roles Lists available roles.
!ross Returns a Bob Ross quote.
!unassign [role] Unassigns yourself from a role.
!unassign [role] Unassigns yourself from a role.

There are also some commands which print a URL or fixed message for convenience's sake:

Command What it prints
!api The URL to the Godot class reference.
!class [class] The URL to the specified class in the Godot class reference.
!csharp The URL to GodotSharp, a C# community resource.
!game An image telling you to work on your game.
!gdquest The URL to GDquest's YouTube channel.
!kcc The URL to KidsCanCode's YouTube channel.
!mirror The URL to Calinou's download mirror.
!nightly The URL to Calinou's nightly builds.
!patterns The URL to the Game Programming Patterns book.
!pronounce A sentence about how "Godot" should be pronounced.
!step The URL to the official step-by-step tutorial.
!tut The URL to the list of tutorials in the documentation.
!code Brief instructions for embedding code snippets in Discord.



  • Python 3.6 (Python 3.7 or later aren't supported yet).
  • Poetry for installing dependencies.


  • Clone this repository or
    download a ZIP archive.
  • Run poetry install while in the repository's directory to install
  • Set the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN environment variable to the bot's Discord token.
  • Run the script with python3 main.py.


Copyright © 2016-2020 Godot Engine contributors

  • Unless otherwise specified, files in this repository are licensed under
    the MIT license; see LICENSE.md for more information.
  • icon.svg is based on
    and is licensed under CC BY 3.0 Unported; see
    for more information.
  • Files in the gdmeme/ directory are not licensed under the MIT license.