
A bot framework for Discord.js.

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discord-akairo - 8.1.0 Latest Release

Published by 1Computer1 about 4 years ago



  • Added MongooseProvider for use with the mongoose library. Thanks to @Zerefdev.
  • Added support for promises in Command#condition. Thanks to @Papaia.


  • Removed peer deps due to npm 7. Thanks to @Papaia.
  • Many documentation fixes and improvements. Thanks to all who contributed.


  • Fixed Argument.union and Argument.product not binding this. Thanks to @perilstar.
  • Fixed separate match not returning short circuit flags. Thanks to @Norviah.
  • Fixed undefined timer in cooldowns. Thanks to @Mzato0001.
  • Fixed typings of CommandHandler#cooldowns. Thanks to @Papaia.
  • Fixed typings of Constants. Thanks to @Papaia.
discord-akairo - 8.0.0

Published by 1Computer1 over 4 years ago

Akairo has been updated to Node 10 and Discord.js v12, now taking advantage of async/await!
Many breaking changes come in this version in order to make the framework better and more consistent.

For help with updating from v7 to v8, see the guide here.
Also, join the official Akairo Discord server and ask questions!


Structural Rework of Handlers

Before, the client and the handlers were intertwined and this made it hard for customization.
With this rework, it is easier to do things like your own command handler and such.
Your custom client class will now look something like this:

class CoolClient extends Client {
    constructor() {
        super({ <options> });

        this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, { <options> });
        // etc.

    start() {
        // etc.

Command Locks

The command locks system allow you to lock down a command while it is in use.
For example, a command can only be used one at a time in a guild, in a channel, by a user, or by your own metric.

class SpecialCommand extends Command {
    constructor() {
        super('special', {
            lock: 'channel'
            // or perhaps, returning a string:
            // lock: msg => something(msg.author)

    // etc.

Generator Arguments

A large rework into how commands and arguments are parsed and processed have been done.
The main thing is that arguments are now processed via generators, which will allow you to put JavaScript into your argument handling:

class NumbersCommand extends Command {
    constructor() {
        super('numbers', { <options> });

    *args() {
        const x = yield { type: 'integer', default: 0 };
        const y = yield { type: x > 10 ? 'integer' : 'string' };
        console.log('debug', x, y);
        return { x, y };

This method supports async and also allows you to implement your own parsing if you wish, with the hard part taken care of:

async *args(message, parsed, state) {
    await message.util.send('Hold on I\'m working on it...');
    // ['a', 'bunch', 'of', 'input']

The old method still works if you do not use arguments that depend on previous arguments, so you can still have args: [{ <options> }, <more args>].
If you do, note that the ability to access previous arguments has been removed, e.g. type: (phrase, message, args) => <code> has been changed to type: (message, phrase) => <code>.

Cancelling Arguments

A utility known as Flag has been added, which allow you to signify special operations.
For example, to cancel a command during argument handling, use Flag.cancel:

async *args(message) {
    const x = yield { type: 'integer' };
    if (x == null) {
        await message.util.send('No integer found!');
        return Flag.cancel();

    const y = yield { type: x > 10 ? 'integer' : 'string' };
    return { x, y };

Expressing Failure

To express failure inside argument parsing, normally you would return null.
However, sometimes more data needs to be given, e.g. why the failure happened or what caused the failure.
Here, the new Flag.fail can be used:

type: (msg, phrase) => {
    const toMembers = this.handler.resolver.type('members');
    const members = toMembers(phrase);
    if (members.size !== 1) {
        return Flag.fail(member.size);

    return members;

You can also use it when choosing a default, e.g. default: (message, { failure }) => <code>.


To cancel the command early in argument parsing, you can use Flag.cancel as in above, but you can also do it a bit more automatically with the otherwise option.
It will send some message when the argument fails parsing.
Combine it with Flag.fail for some good user-facing error messages!

type: (msg, phrase) => {
    const toMembers = this.handler.resolver.type('members');
    const members = toMembers(phrase);
    if (members.size !== 1) {
        return Flag.fail(member.size);

    return members;
otherwise: (msg, { failure }) => `Bad input, that gave me ${failure.value} members instead of one!`
// Or just `otherwise: 'Bad input!'` if you want.

Continuing Parsing

To facilitate subcommands, there is also Flag.continue.
Using it, you can run another command with the rest of the phrases that are not yet parsed.

*args() {
    const sub = yield {
        type: ['cmd1', 'cmd2', 'cmd3'],
        default: 'cmd1'

    // Will run the command with ID `cmd1`, `cmd2`, or `cmd3`.
    return Flag.continue(sub);

So now, if a user is to type !command cmd1 1 2 3, the input 1 2 3 will be passed on to cmd1 to parse and run.

Unordered Arguments

A new argument match type is unordered which allows for more natural user input.
That is, the user can enter their arguments in any order as they want and Akairo will pick up the right ones!

args: [
        id: 'member',
        type: 'member',
        match: 'unordered'
        id: 'number',
        type: 'number',
        match: 'unordered'

Now, !command person 5 works as expected, but also !command 5 person.
Of course, if there is ambiguity, the thing that comes first gets priority (e.g. someone might be named 5).

Composing Types

So that you do not have to use type functions as much, there are new static Argument functions to help you out!

// Either a user or an integer or a string .
type: Argument.union('user', 'integer', 'string')

// Everything at once, will give back [integer, number, string].
type: Argument.product('integer', 'number', 'string')

// Check that some property of the parsed value is correct.
type: Argument.validate('string', (msg, value) => value.length === 100)

// Shortcut for number ranges:
type: Argument.range('integer', 1, 100)

// Attach the input with the result or failure using `Flag.fail`.
type: Argument.withInput('integer')

Better Prompts

For prompts, some extra data has been added so that you can customize your prompts to your heart's content.
In conjuction with Flag.fail, it is very powerful!

const members = yield {
    type: (msg, phrase) => {
        const toMembers = this.handler.resolver.type('members');
        const members = toMembers(phrase);
        if (members.size !== 1) {
            return Flag.fail(member.size);

        return members;
    prompt: {
        start: 'Please give me a member!',
        retry: (msg, { failure }) => `Please refine your search, ${failure.data} members were found.`

The second parameter also contains information like how many retries there has been, the message that caused the prompt, etc.

And More!

Other important features include:

  • Filtering files for handlers to load.
  • Promise support in more places, e.g. prefixes and permissions.
  • More information passed to events.
  • More CommandUtil parse properties.
  • Better handling and choosing of prefixes.
  • More built-in argument types.
  • Argument match separate for handling phrases one by one.
  • Breaking out of prompts by using another command.
  • Default text and text modifications for prompts.
  • Consistency in callback parameter ordering.
  • Consistency in callback return types.

There are even more features and also a lot of breaking changes.
Read the full changelog below for more.



  • Added many previously private/protected methods to the public interface.
  • Added AkairoClient#isOwner for owner check.
  • Added an extensions option for AkairoHandler to load only files with those extensions.
  • Added a loadFilter option for AkairoHandler to filter files.
  • Added parameter directory to AkairoHandler#loadAll in order to load from a specified directory.
  • Added parameter filter to AkairoHandler#loadAll to filter files to load.
  • Added ClientUtil#attachment.
  • Added support for Promise values in more places.
    • Permissions checks in commands.
    • Argument default value function.
    • Prefix and allow mention functions.
    • Prompt content functions.
  • Changed errors thrown by Akairo to instances of AkairoError (extends Error).
  • Changed structure of AkairoClient.
    • It no longer takes the options meant for other handlers.
    • It no longer automatically create the handlers.
    • You must now create and build the handlers manually, see the updating guide for an example.
  • Changed all handlers' constructors to (client, options).
  • Changed all modules' constructors to (id, options).
  • Changed methods into properties (this means you may have to check if they are a function before using them):
    • Argument#default
    • Command#regex (previously Command#trigger)
    • CommandHandler#prefix
    • CommandHandler#allowMention
  • Changed AkairoClient#load event to pass an isReload param.
  • Changed type checks for Promise and EventEmitter, polyfilled items (e.g. Bluebird, EventEmitter 2/3/4) will now work.
  • Renamed ClientUtil#fetchMemberFrom to ClientUtil#fetchMember.
  • Renamed typedefs in typings.
  • Removed support for selfbots.
  • Removed support for instance exports.
    • This means module.exports = new Command(...), for example, will no longer be loaded.
    • This also means AkairoHandler#load no longer takes a module instance.
    • Removed AkairoModule#exec, should be implemented as needed in child classes now.
  • Removed AkairoHandler#add method.
  • Removed AkairoHandler#add and AkairoHandler#reload events.
  • Removed anything related to enabling/disabling modules.
    • AkairoHandler#enable and AkairoHandler#disable events.
    • AkairoModule#enabled property.
    • Command#protected property.
    • AkairoModule#enable and AkairoModule#disable methods.
    • Category#enableAll and Category#disableAll methods.
  • Removed ClientUtil#prompt and ClientUtil#promptIn.
  • Removed deprecated AkairoClient members.
  • Removed deprecated CommandUtil methods.
  • Removed deprecated ClientUtil methods.
  • Removed deprecated SQLiteHandler class.
  • Fixed many typings.
  • Fixed invalid modules in typings.


  • Added command locks feature (thanks to xdimgg).
  • Added command handler option ignoreCooldownID for user(s) to ignore cooldown, defaults to the owner(s).
  • Added command handler option aliasReplacement to automatically make command aliases.
  • Added ways to manually run commands in CommandHandler.
    • handleDirectCommand to use post inhibitors then run a command on a message.
    • handleRegexCommands, and handleConditionalCommands to trigger those commands manually on a message.
    • runCommand to run a command with specified arguments.
  • Added ways to manually run inhibitors in CommandHandler.
    • runAllTypeInhibitors, runPreTypeInhibitors, runPostTypeInhibitors, and runCooldowns
    • Note these return true/false, actual details are emitted in the corresponding events.
  • Added ways to manually parse in CommandHandler.
    • parseCommand and parseCommandWithOverwrittenPrefixes.
  • Added Command#before that runs before argument parsing.
  • Added CommandUtil#handler.
  • Added CommandUtil#sendNew to force a new message to be sent.
  • Added CommandUtil#setEditable for setting the shouldEdit property.
  • Added CommandUtil#parsed which contains various parsed components of the message.
  • Added CommandUtil#messages and the command handler option storeMessages for storing prompt and prompt replies.
  • Added CommandHandler#missingPermissions event for permissions checks.
  • Added CommandHandler#commandCancelled event for when commands are cancelled.
  • Added CommandHandler#ignorePermissions and added CommandHandler#ignoreCooldown as functions.
  • Changed CommandHandler and Command option defaultPrompt to argumentDefaults, to allow for more default options.
    • defaultPrompt is just now argumentDefaults.prompt, for example.
    • Also includes otherwise and modifyOtherwise.
  • Changed Command#parse from (content, message) to (message, content) to be consistent.
  • Changed regex command arguments, it is now (message, args) where args has properties match and matches.
  • Changed conditional command arguments, it is now (message, args) where args is an empty object.
  • Changed CommandUtil related options to need the commandUtil option to be explicitly set.
  • Changed CommandUtil constructor to (handler, message).
  • Changed the parsed things in CommandUtil to a parsed object property.
  • Changed the structure of stored prefixes in CommandHandler#prefixes.
  • Changed the structure of stored ongoing prompts in CommandHandler#prompts.
  • Changed ongoing prompt methods' parameters to (channel, user).
  • Changed permission check functions' return type to be the reason rather than a boolean.
    • The reason will be then passed as the missing parameter in the event below.
  • Changed CommandHandler events to be more useful.
    • commandStarted now passes (message, command, args).
    • commandFinished now passes (message, command, args, returnValue).
    • commandBlocked will no longer be emitted permission checks, instead:
    • missingPermissions will now be emitted for permissions checks, passing (message, command, type, missing).
  • Changed the default of commandUtilLifetime to 5 minutes.
  • Changed cooldown and throttling to not affect the bot owner(s).
  • Changed prefix overwrite parsing, it will now allow empty strings and choose prefixes better.
  • Renamed CommandHandler#ignoreCooldownID to CommandHandler#ignoreCooldown.
  • Renamed CommandHandler#onCooldown to CommandHandler#cooldown.
  • Renamed Command#channelRestriction to Command#channel.
  • Renamed Command#trigger to Command#regex.
  • Removed args property.
  • Removed edited parameters in command-related functions and events.
  • Removed the ability to change the split type with Command#split.
    • There is now the quoted option, either true or false.
    • For custom separators, there is now the separator option.
  • Removed Command#protected.
  • Removed Command#options.
  • Removed CommandUtil#client.
  • Fixed prefixes not being case-insensitive.


  • Added support for these quotation marks: “”.
  • Added argument option limit which limits how many phrases to match.
  • Added argument option unordered to allow for matching phrases throughout the command rather than by index.
  • Added argument match separate which works like rest but processes each phrase separately.
    • Will also work with infinite prompts by enabling infinite matching only when no input was provided.
    • When there was already input, the prompt will work on each incorrect input separately.
  • Added argument match restContent which works like rest but also matches flags.
  • Added argument option multipleFlags to allow for matching a flag or an option multiple times.
  • Added argument option otherwise and modifyOtherwise for a message when argument parsing fails.
  • Added argument type userMention for mentions that refer to any user.
  • Added argument type guildMessage for a message within any of the channels in the guild.
  • Added argument type relevantMessage for a message within any of the channels in the guild or in DMs.
  • Added prompt option breakout, to allow a command to be used to break out of the prompt and run that command instead.
  • Added prompt modification functions in prompt options for modifying prompts.
    • modifyStart, modifyRetry, modifyTimeout, modifyEnded, and modifyCancel.
    • Also supports promises.
  • Added new Argument methods for casting and prompting.
    • Methods cast (taking place of the renamed cast to process method) casts text and collect prompts a user.
    • With static equivalent Argument.cast.
  • Added static Argument methods to create types from existing types.
    • Argument.union to create a union type.
    • Argument.product to create a product type.
    • Argument.validate for a type with extra validation.
    • Argument.range for a type in a range, works with numbers, arrays, etc.
    • Argument.compose and Argument.composeWithFailure to compose types.
    • Argument.withInput, Argument.tagged, and Argument.taggedWithInput for a type that attaches the original input and/or some arbitrary tag.
    • Argument.taggedUnion, for a union that is also tagged by each type.
    • Argument.isFailure to check for failure.
  • Added Flag, a way to signal special changes during parsing.
    • Flag.cancel to cancel a command.
    • Flag.retry to retry another command.
    • Flag.fail to specify a failed parse with extra data.
    • Flag.continue to continue the parsing and running with another command (for subcommands).
  • Added new parameter to default for miscellaneous data, including the failed value.
  • Added TypeResolver#inhibitorHandler and TypeResolver#listenerHandler.
  • Changed internals of argument handling to a generator-based implementation.
    • The args option on commands can now be a generator function.
  • Changed this context of all functions in ArgumentOption to the Argument instance.
  • Changed this context of types added using TypeResolver to the Argument instance.
  • Changed argument matching to count LF as whitespace rather than as part of a phrase.
  • Changed Promise rejection as the way to signify argument type cast failure to Promise<null> or Promise<undefined>.
  • Changed a type function returning true causing the phrase to be used to now literally use true.
  • Changed the default value of the default option from empty string to null.
  • Changed argument prompt functions' third parameter to a data object with properties:
    • retries, for amount of retries.
    • infinite, whether or not the prompt is infinite.
    • message, the message that caused the prompt.
    • phrase, the phrase that caused the prompt if there was one.
    • failure, the failed value that caused the prompt if there was one (used in conjuction with new Flag.fail).
  • Changed invite type to fetch an invite instead of matching an invite.
  • Changed argument and type functions message parameter to the front and removed previous args parameter.
    • e.g. type is now (message, phrase) instead of (phrase, message, args)
  • Changed TypeResolver to store types in a collection instead of on the instance.
  • Changed mentions-related matching to only match valid snowflakes (Clyde prevented).
  • Changed the behavior of arguments matching with respect to whitespace.
  • Changed interaction of prompts and CommandUtil to be more user-friendly.
    • Messages sent by prompts will no longer be editable anywhere.
  • Changed prompts to start at retry count of 2 and retry text instead of start text if there was input but was invalid.
  • Changed phrase index to not increase when using unordered arguments or when the index option is set.
  • Renamed Argument#prefix to Argument#flag.
  • Renamed Argument#cast to Argument#process.
  • Renamed TypeResolver#handler to TypeResolver#commandHandler.
  • Renamed groups to matches in context of regex commands and regex types.
  • Renamed word to phrase in context of argument matching and parsing.
  • Renamed prefix to option in terms of the match type.
  • Renamed prefix to flag in terms of the preceeding string.
  • Removed the match option being a function.
  • Removed the dynamic and dynamicInt types.
    • Use Argument.union instead.
  • Removed argument description.
  • Fixed argument default inversing flag not working.


  • Added Inhibitor#priority option for when more than one inhibitor blocks a message.
  • Changed Promise rejection as the way to block in inhibitors to Promise<true>.
  • Renamed the block reason notSelf to others.


  • Added ListenerHandler#setEmitters for adding new emitters.
  • Renamed Listener#eventName to Listener#event.
  • Removed emitters options from ListenerHandler.
  • Removed the defaults for the emitter and event options of listener options.
discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.8

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This update fixes the NPM release.

discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.7

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago


  • Fixed compose and composeWithFailure.
discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.6

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago


  • Added Argument.tagged and Argument.taggedWithInput.
  • Added Argument.taggedUnion.
  • Added Argument.composeWithFailure, splits off the last option of Argument.compose.
  • Changed otherwise and modifyOtherwise to allow an empty string, which will do nothing, like propmts.
  • Changed Argument.compose (and therefore Argument.composeWithFailure) to work with variable arguments.
  • Changed Argument.range to work on things with a length or size property.
  • Changed the name of Argument.tuple to Argument.product.
  • Changed typings and documentation to specify more about objects.


  • Fixed typings for argumentDefaults.
  • Fixed otherwise being used when an argument doesn't have it specified.
discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.5

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This release is last known to work with discord.js commit 04fa56d.


  • Added modifyOtherwise.
  • Replaced defaultPrompt with argumentDefaults which include prompt, otherwise, and modifyOtherwise.


  • Fixed this context of *args functions.
discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.4

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This release has no code changes, only documentation changes.

discord-akairo - 7.5.6

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This release has no code changes, only documentation changes.

discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.3

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This release is last known to work with discord.js commit 9b2bf03.


  • Added restContent match which works like rest but also matches flags.
  • Changed Flag.continue to also take the rest of the flags (i.e. it works like restContent instead of rest now).
    • This is for the rare case where the parent command of a subcommand has flags.
      It would make more sense for the flags after the subcommand name to be delegated to the subcommand instead of the parent command.
      If you wish to have the rest behavior, you can match rest yourself.


  • Fixed text and content match behaviors being switched around.
  • Fixed content and rest match not keeping whitespace and quotes.
discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.2

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This release is last known to work with discord.js commit 9b2bf03.

The focus of this release is a complete rewrite of how arguments are handled internally, which lends itself to some awesome new features!
Of course, there are breaking changes from 8.0.0-beta.1, but if you are reading this, you were prepared anyways.



  • Removed ArgumentParser, replaced by ArgumentRunner which is for internal use only.
  • Rewrote ContentParser, it is now for internal use only.
  • Reworked ParsingFlag and renamed it to Flag.
  • Removed Control; new way to control parsing is to use generators, see below.


  • Removed Command#args.
  • Removed Command#parser.
  • Removed ArgumentOptions#description and Argument#description.


  • Changed message parameters by moving them to the front of functions and removed previous arguments from ALL functions.
    • e.g. type is now (message, phrase) instead of (phrase, message, args).
    • e.g. prompt start is now (message, data) instead of (message, args, data).
    • And others; new way to access previous arguments is to use generators, see below.
  • Changed phrase index to not increase when using unordered arguments or when the index option is set.
  • Changed argument option multipleFlags to be affected by limit and also work on flag match by counting occurences.



  • Reimplemented arguments with generators.
    • Old way still works but will just be a weaker version of this.
    • Removes the need for Control and previous argument parameters.
      // Takes `(message, parsed, state)`.
      // The latter two are internal data but can be useful.
      async *args(message) {
          // Get arguments as normal using `yield`.
          const x = yield { type: 'integer', default: 0 };
          // Use previous arguments by referring to the identifier.
          // This replaces `Control.if` and `Control.case`.
          const y = yield (x > 10 ? { type: 'integer' } : { type: 'string' });
          // `Control.do` is replaced by just doing it:
          console.log('debug', x, y);
          // If you want to do what `Control.cancel` did, use `Flag.cancel`.
          // Before, this would've been a combination of `Control.if`, `Control.do`, and `Control.cancel`. Ew!
          if (x > 10 && !y) {
              await message.util.send('`y` cannot be empty!');
              return Flag.cancel();
          // When done (equivalent to `Control.end`), return what you need:
          return { x, y };
    • Flags require some options to parse since we can no longer predict them.
    • When using the old way, we can still predict them, so these options are ignored then.
      flags: ['--f'],
      optionFlags: ['--o'],
      *args() {
          const f = yield {
              match: 'flag',
              flag: '--f'
          const o = yield {
              match: 'option',
              flag: '--o'
          return { f, o };
  • Added new Flag.fail for failing argument parsing with more data.
    • Acts like null or undefined but will give you extra data in its value property.
    • Parse failures are now passed as the failure property (along with phrase) in the second parameter of default functions.
    • And also as failure in ArgumentPromptData.
      type: (msg, phrase) => {
          const toMembers = this.handler.resolver.type('members');
          const members = toMembers(phrase);
          if (members.size !== 1) {
              return Flag.fail(member.size);
          return members;
      prompt: {
          start: 'Please give me a member!',
          retry: (msg, { failure }) => `Please refine your search, ${failure.value} members were found.`
  • Added new Flag.continue for subcommands-like behaviour.
    • Will continue the argument parsing in another command with the rest of the input.
    • Also option for ignoring permission checks and continuing with some other input.
      *args() {
          const sub = yield {
              type: ['cmd1', 'cmd2', 'cmd3'],
              default: 'cmd1'
          return Flag.continue(sub);
  • Added argument option otherwise that sends some message when argument parsing fails.
    • Has information like default.
    • Overrides default and prompts.
    type: 'integer',
    otherwise: 'An integer was expected!'
    // Also:
    type: 'integer',
    otherwise: (msg, { phrase }) => `An integer was expected! You gave ${phrase || 'nothing'}, which is not one.`
  • Added Argument.withInput that attaches the original phrase along with the output.
  • Added Argument.isFailure that checks if something is a failure (null, undefined, fail flag).
discord-akairo - 8.0.0-beta.1

Published by 1Computer1 over 5 years ago

This is a beta release! It it last known to work with Discord.js commit fe5563.

Akairo has been updated to Node 10 and Discord.js v12, now taking advantage of async/await!
Many breaking changes come in this version in order to make the framework better and more consistent.
Some of the main changes are:

  • Structural rework of handlers and modules
    • Less dependency on each other
    • Explicit construction of handlers
    • More ways to manually execute handling
  • More powerful argument parsing
    • More natural parsing of input
    • More argument matchers
    • More argument types
    • Compositions of argument types
    • Flow controls in arguments
  • More flexible prompting
    • Use another command in a prompt
    • Less duplicated text
  • Quality-of-life features
    • More Promise support
    • More usable data in callbacks
    • More consistent semantics
  • And other new features
    • Command locks
    • Module loading features
    • Overriding certain built-in checks
    • More data in CommandUtil

For help with updating from v7 to v8, see the GitBooks guide here.
Also, join the official Akairo Discord server and ask questions!

Breaking Changes

  • Changed errors thrown by Akairo to instances of AkairoError (extends Error).
  • Changed structure of AkairoClient.
    • It no longer takes the options meant for other handlers.
    • It no longer automatically create the handlers.
    • You must now create and build the handlers manually, see the updating guide for an example.
  • Changed all handlers' constructors to (client, options).
  • Changed all modules' constructors to (id, options).
  • Changed methods into properties (this means you may have to check if they are a function before using them):
    • Argument#default
    • Command#regex (previously Command#trigger)
    • CommandHandler#prefix
    • CommandHandler#allowMention
  • Changed Command#parse from (content, message) to (message, content) to be consistent.
  • Changed regex command arguments, it is now (message, args) where args has properties match and matches.
  • Changed conditional command arguments, it is now (message, args) where args is an empty object.
  • Changed CommandUtil related options to need the commandUtil option to be explicitly set.
  • Changed CommandUtil constructor to (handler, message).
  • Changed the parsed things in CommandUtil to a parsed object property.
  • Changed the structure of stored prefixes in CommandHandler#prefixes.
  • Changed the structure of stored ongoing prompts in CommandHandler#prompts.
  • Changed ongoing prompt methods' parameters to (channel, user).
  • Changed permission check functions' return type to be the reason rather than a boolean.
    • The reason will be then passed as the missing parameter in the event below.
  • Changed CommandHandler events to be more useful.
    • commandStarted now passes (message, command, args).
    • commandFinished now passes (message, command, args, returnValue).
    • commandBlocked will no longer be emitted permission checks, instead:
    • missingPermissions will now be emitted for permissions checks, passing (message, command, type, missing).
  • Changed Command#args to store an ArgumentParser rather than Argument instances.
  • Changed this context of all functions in ArgumentOption to the Argument instance.
  • Changed this context of types added using TypeResolver to the Argument instance.
  • Changed argument matching to count LF as whitespace rather than as part of a phrase.
  • Changed Promise rejection as the way to signify argument type cast failure to Promise<null> or Promise<undefined>.
  • Changed a type function returning true causing the phrase to be used to now literally use true.
  • Changed the default value of the default option from empty string to null.
  • Changed argument prompt functions' third parameter to a data object with properties:
    • retries, for amount of retries.
    • infinite, whether or not the prompt is infinite.
    • message, the message that caused the prompt.
    • phrase, the phrase that caused the prompt if there was one.
  • Changed invite type to fetch an invite instead of matching an invite.
  • Changed Promise rejection as the way to block in inhibitors to Promise<true>.


  • Renamed ClientUtil#fetchMemberFrom to ClientUtil#fetchMember.
  • Renamed typedefs in typings.
  • Changed CommandHandler#ignoreCooldownID to CommandHandler#ignoreCooldown.
  • Renamed CommandHandler#onCooldown to CommandHandler#cooldown.
  • Renamed Command#channelRestriction to Command#channel.
  • Renamed Command#trigger to Command#regex.
  • Renamed Argument#prefix to Argument#flag.
  • Renamed Argument#cast to Argument#process.
  • Renamed TypeResolver#handler to TypeResolver#commandHandler.
  • Renamed groups to matches in context of regex commands and regex types.
  • Renamed word to phrase in context of argument matching and parsing.
  • Renamed prefix to option in terms of the match type.
  • Renamed prefix to flag in terms of the preceeding string.
  • Renamed the block reason notSelf to others.
  • Renamed Listener#eventName to Listener#event.


  • Removed support for selfbots.
  • Removed support for instance exports.
    • This means module.exports = new Command(...), for example, will no longer be loaded.
    • This also means AkairoHandler#load no longer takes a module instance.
    • Removed AkairoModule#exec, should be implemented as needed in child classes now.
  • Removed AkairoHandler#add method.
  • Removed AkairoHandler#add and AkairoHandler#reload events.
  • Removed anything related to enabling/disabling modules.
    • AkairoHandler#enable and AkairoHandler#disable events.
    • AkairoModule#enabled property.
    • Command#protected property.
    • AkairoModule#enable and AkairoModule#disable methods.
    • Category#enableAll and Category#disableAll methods.
  • Removed ClientUtil#prompt and ClientUtil#promptIn.
  • Removed deprecated AkairoClient members.
  • Removed deprecated CommandUtil methods.
  • Removed deprecated ClientUtil methods.
  • Removed deprecated SQLiteHandler class.
  • Removed edited parameters in command-related functions and events.
  • Removed the ability to change the split type with Command#split.
    • There is now the quoted option, either true or false.
    • For custom separators, there is now the separator option.
  • Removed Command#protected.
  • Removed Command#options.
  • Removed CommandUtil#client.
  • Removed the match option being a function.
  • Removed the dynamic and dynamicInt types.
    • Use Argument.union instead.
  • Removed emitters options from ListenerHandler.
  • Removed the defaults for the emitter and event options of listener options.


  • Many private/protected methods have been refactored and became public for use.
  • Added AkairoClient#isOwner for owner check.
  • Added an extensions option for AkairoHandler to load only files with those extensions.
  • Added a loadFilter option for AkairoHandler to filter files.
  • Added parameter directory to AkairoHandler#loadAll in order to load from a specified directory.
  • Added parameter filter to AkairoHandler#loadAll to filter files to load.
  • Added ClientUtil#attachment.
  • Added support for Promise values in more places.
    • Permissions checks in commands.
    • Argument default value function.
    • Prefix and allow mention functions.
    • Prompt content functions.
  • Added command locks feature (thanks to xdimgg).
  • Added command handler option ignoreCooldownID for user(s) to ignore cooldown, defaults to the owner(s).
  • Added command handler option aliasReplacement to automatically make command aliases.
  • Added ways to manually run commands in CommandHandler.
    • handleDirectCommand to use post inhibitors then run a command on a message.
    • handleRegexCommands, and handleConditionalCommands to trigger those commands manually on a message.
    • runCommand to run a command with specified arguments.
  • Added ways to manually run inhibitors in CommandHandler.
    • runAllTypeInhibitors, runPreTypeInhibitors, runPostTypeInhibitors, and runCooldowns
    • Note these return true/false, actual details are emitted in the corresponding events.
  • Added ways to manually parse in CommandHandler.
    • parseCommand and parseCommandWithOverwrittenPrefixes.
  • Added Command#before that runs before argument parsing.
  • Added CommandUtil#handler.
  • Added CommandUtil#sendNew to force a new message to be sent.
  • Added CommandUtil#setEditable for setting the shouldEdit property.
  • Added CommandUtil#parsed which contains various parsed components of the message.
  • Added CommandUtil#messages and the command handler option storeMessages for storing prompt and prompt replies.
  • Added CommandHandler#missingPermissions event for permissions checks.
  • Added CommandHandler#commandCancelled event for when commands are cancelled.
  • Added CommandHandler#ignorePermissions and added CommandHandler#ignoreCooldown as functions.
  • Added custom args handling via setting the args option of a command to a function.
  • Added ContentParser for better parsing of the message's content into phrases and flags.
  • Added ArgumentParser for parsing phrases and flags into usable arguments.
  • Added support for these quotation marks: “”.
    • The parser does not match up the two types of quotation marks nor does it ensure pairs.
    • This is to assume all inputs are valid.
  • Added argument option limit which limits how many phrases to match.
  • Added argument option unordered to allow for matching phrases throughout the command rather than by index.
  • Added argument match separate which works like rest but processes each phrase separately.
    • Will also work with infinite prompts by enabling infinite matching only when no input was provided.
    • When there was already input, the prompt will work on each incorrect input separately.
  • Added argument type userMention for mentions that refer to any user.
  • Added argument type guildMessage for a message within any of the channels in the guild.
  • Added argument type relevantMessage for a message within any of the channels in the guild or in DMs.
  • Added prompt option breakout, to allow a command to be used to break out of the prompt and run that command instead.
  • Added prompt modification functions in prompt options for modifying prompts.
    • modifyStart, modifyRetry, modifyTimeout, modifyEnded, and modifyCancel.
    • Also supports promises.
  • Added new Argument methods for casting and prompting.
    • Methods cast (taking place of the renamed cast to process method) casts text and collect prompts a user.
    • With static equivalent Argument.cast.
  • Added static Argument methods to create types from existing types.
    • Argument.union to create a union type.
    • Argument.tuple to create a tuple type.
    • Argument.validate for a type with extra validation.
    • Argument.range for a type in a range.
    • Argument.compose to compose types.
  • Added control flow in arguments.
    • Control.if for branching.
    • Control.case for multiple branches.
    • Control.do for general actions.
    • Control.end for ending parsing.
    • Control.cancel for cancelling the command.
  • Added TypeResolver#inhibitorHandler and TypeResolver#listenerHandler.
  • Added Inhibitor#priority option for when more than one inhibitor blocks a message.
  • Added ListenerHandler#setEmitters for adding new emitters.


  • Changed AkairoClient#load event to pass an isReload param.
  • Changed type checks for Promise and EventEmitter, polyfilled items (e.g. Bluebird, EventEmitter 2/3/4) will now work.
  • Changed the default of commandUtilLifetime to 5 minutes.
  • Changed cooldown and throttling to not affect the bot owner(s).
  • Changed prefix overwrite parsing, it will now allow empty strings and choose prefixes better.
  • Changed TypeResolver to store types in a collection instead of on the instance.
  • Changed mentions-related matching to only match valid snowflakes (Clyde prevented).
  • Changed the behavior of arguments matching with respect to whitespace.
  • Changed interaction of prompts and CommandUtil to be more user-friendly.
    • Messages sent by prompts will no longer be editable anywhere.
  • Changed prompts to start at retry count of 2 and retry text instead of start text if there was input but was invalid.


  • Fixed prefixes not being case-insensitive.
  • Fixed argument default inversing flag not working.
  • Fixed many typings.
  • Fixed invalid modules in typings.
discord-akairo - 7.5.5

Published by 1Computer1 about 6 years ago


  • Added more deprecation warnings for v8.


  • Fixed incorrect AkairoHandler and AkairoClient typings.
  • Fixed optional deps typings.
discord-akairo - 7.5.4

Published by 1Computer1 over 6 years ago


  • Deprecated loading of instance exports, e.g. new Command(...).
  • Deprecated some functionalities in preparation for v8.


  • Fixed fetchMembers option not checking for webhooks.
  • Fixed regex and conditional commands not having built-in post-inhibitors ran on them.
discord-akairo - 7.5.3

Published by 1Computer1 almost 7 years ago


  • Fixed SQLiteProvider when using with multiple columns (it had set all other columns to null)
discord-akairo - 7.5.2

Published by 1Computer1 almost 7 years ago


  • Added support for animated emojis
  • Updated discord.js to 11.3


  • Fixed prefix not defaulting to !
discord-akairo - 7.5.1

Published by 1Computer1 almost 7 years ago


  • Fixed argument option index not affecting text and content match.
  • Fixed default cooldown not working.
  • Fixed some typings.
discord-akairo - 7.5.0

Published by 1Computer1 about 7 years ago


  • Added providers for SQLite and Sequelize.
  • Added AkairoHandler#removeAll, removes all modules.
  • Added option automateCategory for automatic category names (#7).
  • Added prompt option limit, used to limit infinite prompts.


  • Future proofing for ClientUtil#embed, can return a MessageEmbed.
  • Deprecated ClientUtil#resolvePermissionOverwrite.
  • Deprecated AkairoClient#mem, no built-in alternatives.
  • Deprecated SQLiteHandler, AkairoClient#addDatabase, and AkairoClient#databases.
    Anyone using these should switch over to SQLiteProvider.
  • Typings have been rewritten.
    Please open an issue if there are problems with them!


  • Fixed RichEmbed#file not being checked in CommandUtil#send.
  • Fixed color type erroring.
  • Fixed permission functions erroring if true (#12).
  • Fixed AkairoHandler#add not checking .ts extensions.
discord-akairo - 7.4.2

Published by 1Computer1 over 7 years ago


  • Attempting to build handlers or load modules more than once will now throw an error.


  • Fixed MessageOptions#files not being checked in CommandUtil#send.
discord-akairo - 7.4.1

Published by 1Computer1 over 7 years ago


  • Fixed the deprecation warning for ClientUtil#prompt, ClientUtil#promptIn, and argument prompts.
  • Minor docs and typings fixes.
discord-akairo - 7.4.0

Published by 1Computer1 over 7 years ago

The indev branch has been deleted, instead master will be now where all the development takes place.
The current NPM version will instead be on the stable branch.
Documentation have also been moved to the gh-pages branch.

The tutorials have been rewritten and moved to GitBooks.
Master documentation is now available here.


  • Added AkairoClient#loadAll, meant for extending the client and adding new handlers.

  • Added TypeResolver#type, meant for getting types in a cleaner way.

  • MessageOptions#content is now allowed for CommandUtil methods.

  • Exposed previous input for ongoing infinite prompt args.


  • Discord.js version ^11.1.0 is now required.

  • AkairoClient#build() no longer calls loadAll() on the handlers.

  • ClientUtil#promptIn will now attempt to create a DM channel for users if there was not one.

  • Changed to has from hasPermissions for permission checks.

    • clientPermissions and userPermissions can now be a single permission string or number.
  • Prefix overwrites now cannot be empty strings, this would cause problems before anyways.

  • Deprecated several ClientUtil methods now available in Discord.js v11.1.

    • displayRole, use GuildMember#colorRole.
    • displayColor, use GuildMember#displayColor.
    • displayHexColor, use GuildMember#displayHexColor.
    • hoistRole, use GuildMember#hoistRole.
    • fetchMessage, use TextBasedChannel#fetchMessage.
  • Deprecated CommandUtil#send aliases.

    • CommandUtil#sendMessage.
    • CommandUtil#sendCode.
    • CommandUtil#sendEmbed.


  • Fixed removing commands deleting still-existing prefix overwrites.

  • Fixed ClientUtil permissions-related methods for Discord.js 11.1.0.

  • Fixed missing color type in docs.

  • Argument type color no longer internally creates a RichEmbed each time.

  • Fixed TypeScript files and default exports not being loaded.

  • Minor performance improvements.

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