
Sends a Notification to a Channel from your Twitter.

GPL-3.0 License


Project no longer maintained and no Support given

otherwiseDE's Twitter Bot!

Hey. Welcome and Thanks for your interest in my Discord Twitter Bot Project. Please read this File completly to not miss out on Information.



You will need:

  • NodeJS v12 (optimised, v14 works)
  • NPM v6 (or higher)

Dependencies Installation

Open the terminal / Windows PowerShell in the folder the code is (where index.js and config.json are) Please then enter the following commands:

  • npm i discord.js
  • npm i node-tweet-stream
  • npm i fs

Please do each line at one time, this shouldnt take more than a minute. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR ELEVATED ACCESS IN THE TWITTER DEVELOPER CONSOLE

Configuration (config.json)

The file says: discordBotToken:, twitterConsumerKey:, (continuous)

So when talking about for example the discordBotToken, please change it so it looks like: discordBotToken:, twitterConsumerKey:,

  • To find the discordBotToken, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications , create an application by pressing New Application or go for a pre-existing application, then in the section Bot, create one. Beneath the username it should say Token. Hit Copy and enter it in

Twitter Developer

You will need to have access to Twitter Developer, and create an application in https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard for 4 of the values.

  • To find the twitterConsumerKey, in the Twitter Developer Portal, in the new project created, select Keys and tokens and go to Consumer Keys. Besides API Keys & Secrets please view it. Regenerate if needed. The API Key is the value
  • To find the twitterConsumerSecret, stay on the tab stated in twitterConsumerKey and copy the API key secret.
  • To find the twitterAccessTokenKey, go back to the Keys and tokens page and scroll down to Authentication Tokens, please regenerate the Access Token & Secret and copy the Access token into this.
  • To find the twitterAccessTokenSecret, stay on the tab stated in twitterAccessTokenKey and copy the Access token secret into config.json.

Twitter Configuration

  • The following is an array, so you can follow multiple people, so the value may look like [twitter-a] or [twitter-a,twitter-b] or even [<twittera,twitter-b,twitter-c]. These values however must be the users ID, which you can find at https://tweeterid.com/ so for example, @ESLotherwise is 4293668297

Discord Configuration

  • The channelsToPost is also an array like following. To find these values, make sure you have developer mode on discord, then simply right click a channel and press Copy ID and paste it in. Please make sure it is in an array format.
  • The title is the title of what you want to come up, so for example New Tweet
  • The colour is the colour that the line is, so for example #1A91DA is the Twitter Blue