
Discord Bot List v2

APACHE-2.0 License


🎭 Features

  • ✅ Certified Bot
  • ✅ Top Bot
  • ✅ Top Server
  • ✅ Admin Page
  • ✅ Bot Tags
  • ✅ Server Tags
  • ✅ Server count API
  • ✅ Support MARKDOWN descriptions
  • ✅ Support HTML descriptions
  • ✅ And much more!

📎 Requirements

🌐 Main

🚀 Installation from source

git clone https://github.com/LucasB25/Eagle-Bot-List-v2.git

After cloning, run

npm install
  • Start the bot with node index.js

to snag all of the dependencies. Of course, you need node installed. I also strongly recommend nodemon as it makes testing much easier.


⚙️ Configurations

  • edit in config.js
bot: {
    token: "TOKEN_HERE", // Bot List Bot Token
    prefix: "PREFIX",
    owners: ["OWNERS_ID", "OWNERS_ID"],
    mongourl: "MONGO_URL", //https://mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register
    servers: {
      token: "TOKEN_HERE", // Server List Bot Token
      prefix: "PREFIX",
  server: {
    id: "SERVER_ID_HERE",
    invite: "https://discord.gg/erfB647CVm",
    roles: {
      administrator: "ADMIN_ID_HERE",
      moderator: "MODERATOR_ID_HERE",
      profile: {
        sitecreator: "OWNER_ID_HERE",
        booster: "BOOSTER_ID_HERE",
        sponsor: "SPONSOR_ID_HERE",
        supporter: "SUPPORT_ID_HERE",
        partnerRole: "PARTNER_ID_HERE",
      botlist: {
        developer: "BOT_DEVELOPPER_ROLE_ID_HERE",
        certified_developer: "CERTIF_USER_ROLE_ID_HERE",
        bot: "BOT_ROLE_ID_HERE",
        certified_bot: "CERTIF_BOT_ROLE_ID_HERE",
    channels: {
      botlog: "WEBSITE__CHANNEL_ID_HERE",
      votes: "VOTE__CHANNEL_ID_HERE",

💌 Support Server

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork: git clone https://github.com/your-username/Eagle-Bot-List-v2.git
  3. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Stage changes git add .
  5. Commit your changes: cz OR npm run commit do not use git commit
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a pull request

🔐 License

  • Distributed under the Apache-2.0 license License. See LICENSE for more information.
  • You must leave the mention of Panais development, in the footer.
Extracted from project README
Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License DiscordBanner