
🎧 a self-hosted midwestern Discord music bot that doesn't suck

MIT License


[!WARNING] I (@codetheweb) am no longer the primary maintainer of Muse. If you use the Docker image, update your image source to We are currently publishing new releases to both and codetheweb/muse, but this may change in the future. Thank you to all the people who stepped up to help maintain Muse!

Muse is a highly-opinionated midwestern self-hosted Discord music bot that doesn't suck. It's made for small to medium-sized Discord servers/guilds (think about a group the size of you, your friends, and your friend's friends).


  • 🎥 Livestreams
  • ⏩ Seeking within a song/video
  • 💾 Local caching for better performance
  • 📋 No vote-to-skip - this is anarchy, not a democracy
  • ↔️ Autoconverts playlists / artists / albums / songs from Spotify
  • ↗️ Users can add custom shortcuts (aliases)
  • 1️⃣ Muse instance supports multiple guilds
  • 🔊 Normalizes volume across tracks
  • ✍️ Written in TypeScript, easily extendable
  • ❤️ Loyal Packers fan


Muse is written in TypeScript. You can either run Muse with Docker (recommended) or directly with Node.js. Both methods require API keys passed in as environment variables:

  • DISCORD_TOKEN can be acquired here by creating a 'New Application', then going to 'Bot'.
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET can be acquired here with 'Create a Client ID'.
  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY can be acquired by creating a new project in Google's Developer Console, enabling the YouTube API, and creating an API key under credentials.

[!WARNING] Even if you don't plan on using Spotify, you must still provide the client ID and secret; otherwise Muse will not function.

Muse will log a URL when run. Open this URL in a browser to invite Muse to your server. Muse will DM the server owner after it's added with setup instructions.

A 64-bit OS is required to run Muse.


The master branch acts as the developing / bleeding edge branch and is not guaranteed to be stable.

When running a production instance, I recommend that you use the latest release.

🐳 Docker

There are a variety of image tags available:

  • :2: versions >= 2.0.0
  • :2.1: versions >= 2.1.0 and < 2.2.0
  • :2.1.1: an exact version specifier
  • :latest: whatever the latest version is

(Replace empty config strings with correct values.)

docker run -it -v "$(pwd)/data":/data -e DISCORD_TOKEN='' -e SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID='' -e SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET='' -e YOUTUBE_API_KEY=''

This starts Muse and creates a data directory in your current directory.

Docker Compose:

version: '3.4'

    restart: always
      - ./muse:/data



  • Node.js (18.17.0 or later is required and latest 18.x.x LTS is recommended)
  • ffmpeg (4.1 or later)
  1. git clone && cd muse
  2. Copy .env.example to .env and populate with values
  3. I recommend checking out a tagged release with git checkout v[latest release]
  4. yarn install (or npm i)
  5. yarn start (or npm run start)

Note: if you're on Windows, you may need to manually set the ffmpeg path. See #345 for details.

⚙️ Additional configuration (advanced)


By default, Muse limits the total cache size to around 2 GB. If you want to change this, set the environment variable CACHE_LIMIT. For example, CACHE_LIMIT=512MB or CACHE_LIMIT=10GB.


Muse can skip non-music segments at the beginning or end of a Youtube music video (Using SponsorBlock). It is disabled by default. If you want to enable it, set the environment variable ENABLE_SPONSORBLOCK=true or uncomment it in your .env. Being a community project, the server may be down or overloaded. When it happen, Muse will skip requests to SponsorBlock for a few minutes. You can change the skip duration by setting the value of SPONSORBLOCK_TIMEOUT.

Custom Bot Status

In the default state, Muse has the status "Online" and the text "Listening to Music". You can change the status through environment variables:


    • online (Online)
    • idle (Away)
    • dnd (Do not Disturb)

    • PLAYING (Playing XYZ)
    • LISTENING (Listening to XYZ)
    • WATCHING (Watching XYZ)
    • STREAMING (Streaming XYZ)
  • BOT_ACTIVITY: the text that follows the activity type

  • BOT_ACTIVITY_URL If you use STREAMING you MUST set this variable, otherwise it will not work! Here you write a regular YouTube or Twitch Stream URL.


Muse is watching a movie and is DND:

  • BOT_STATUS=dnd
  • BOT_ACTIVITY=a movie

Muse is streaming Monstercat:

  • BOT_STATUS=online
  • BOT_ACTIVITY=Monstercat

Bot-wide commands

If you have Muse running in a lot of guilds (10+) you may want to switch to registering commands bot-wide rather than for each guild. (The downside to this is that command updates can take up to an hour to propagate.) To do this, set the environment variable REGISTER_COMMANDS_ON_BOT to true.

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