
PvPCraft Discord bot



A modular version of PvPBot with permissions, modules, access control, and many, many more features


If you want to run The bot requires 1 file not yet here: Paths.json. It can be found at pvpcraft.ca/Paths.json (place it one folder above project root). For web, github.com/macdja38/pvpsite must be setup, and URLs must be configured in this project's config/config.json.

installation instructions

Requires node.js v14 or greater, the ability to build native module's using node-gyp, and git. RethinkDB is required for the master branch. pm2 is optional, but it's highly recommended.

Nodemon is required to run in dev mode.

  • npm install -g nodemon
  • npm install -g ts-node

In your command line of choice, enter:

  • git clone https://github.com/macdja38/pvpcraft.git to download the project,

  • cd pvpcraft to open the new project directory made by git,

  • npm install to install it's dependencies,

  • npm run start:dev


  • npm run build
  • pm2 start pm2.json to start the bot if you have pm2


  • node build/main.js if you don't


  • The bot will restart for the first 3-ish times you run it
  • If modules fail to load, they can be disabled by removing their lines in the config file
  • Edit the configs to your liking (they're located in the config folder)
  • Make sure to add your bot account's token to auth.json


For instructions on how to use the instance of PvPCraft I host publicly, please see user docs. For documentation to help with getting started writing your own modules, please see developers docs.