
A Discord bot to play virtual Russian Roulette with your friends.

MIT License


Russian Roulette Bot

A Discord bot to play virtual Russian Roulette with your friends.

Thanks to BranStork for the inspiration.


I am currently in the process of rewriting this bot for several reasons:

  • Discord introduced slash commands as the new standard for bot commands, and traditional commands require a priviledged intent
  • The bot has been added to 75 servers, in order to keep expanding it must pass a verification process
  • To pass the aforementioned verification process, it would be beneficial to move hosting from my personal computer to a cloud service
  • Since I don't have any funds to pay for a cloud service, the only viable option is a free serverless platform
  • To work on a serverless platform, the bot must be able to run in a stateless environment

Below is an abstract list of milestones for the rewrite.

  • Migrate to version 2
  • Replace message commands with slash commands
  • Store game state in a database
  • Rewrite game logic to be stateless
  • Rewrite everything to use a serverless Discord API wrapper


Note: the terms "server" and "guild" are used interchangeably throughout this document.

Quick Start

Add the bot to your chosen Discord guild using either this link or the "Add to Server" button in the bot's profile in Discord. Mention the bot to receive some basic information including the default prefixes, which are rr, russian-roulette, and the bot's mention.

Channel Binding

Once you have added the bot to a guild, you may want to "bind" the bot to a specific channel meant for playing roulette, in order to avoid spamming general chat channels. To bind a specific channel type rr channel bind #channel-name, and replace channel-name with the mention of the channel you want to bind. Once at least one channel has been bound, the bot will not respond to messages sent in unbound channels. Keep in mind this command requires the "Manage Server" permission. To unbind a channel, simply type rr channel unbind #channel-name, following the same steps as above. If no channels are bound, the bot will respond in any channel it has access to.

Starting a Game

You are now ready to play some games! First, come up with a consequence for the losing player. For example: a profile picture, status, or server nickname (keep it within server rules) that lasts for a set amount of time, like 24 hours. Then, start a new game by typing the command rr start @user1 @user2 info: game description or consequence instructions duration: 4d17h9m43s. Replace @user1 @user2 with mentions of users who wish to participate in the game. info: and duration: are optional and are parsed by the bot to save information about the current game.

Playing the Game

Once a game has been started, players take turns typing rr shoot in chat, in the order they were mentioned in the start command. Every turn has a 1 in 6 chance of losing, indicated by a red bullet positioned in the top slot of the cylinder. The chance is purely random, the bullet does not go in order between the slots. If all players take a turn with no one losing, the game continues from the first player again. Once a player loses, the game ends and the losing player must carry out the consequence stated before the start of the game. Specific rules and exceptions are at the discretion of players and guild staff. To stop a game, type rr stop.

Adding and Removing Players

To add or remove a player from a currently running game, type rr player add @user or rr player remove @user, and replace @user with the mention of the user. A game cannot have less than 2 players. It is also possible to play against the bot itself, however if the bot loses it will not carry out any consequences.

Custom Prefixes

You can also customize the bot's prefixes in your guild. Type rr prefix add <prefix> to add a prefix, or rr prefix remove <prefix> to remove a prefix, and replace <prefix> with your prefix. If the prefix contains space characters, wrap it in quotes (" "). To see a list of prefixes available in the guild, type rr prefix list. You cannot remove the bot's mention as a prefix, and you cannot add user or channel mentions as prefixes.

Full Command List

(Prefixes omitted)

Command Category Arguments Description
about Core None Show info about the bot
rules Core None Show game rules
start Game User mentions, info, duration Start a new game with at least 2 players and an optional description and timer
stop Game None Stop the current game
current Game None Show info about the current game
shoot Game None Take a turn
gif Game None Show a GIF version of the game for screenshotting
player list Game None List the players in the current game
player add Game User mention Add a player to the current game
player remove Game User mention Remove a player from the current game
prefix list Settings None List the bot's prefixes in the current guild
prefix add Settings Prefix string Add a prefix to the bot in the current guild
prefix remove Settings Prefix string Remove a prefix from the bot in the current guild
channel list Settings None List the bound channels in the current guild
channel add Settings Channel mention Bind a channel in the current guild
channel remove Settings Channel mention Unbind a channel in the current guild


This bot collects and stores the following information:

  • Guild name and ID
  • Bound channel IDs
  • Prefixes

This information is used to keep per-guild configuration data (custom prefixes, bound channels). This bot does not collect any user information or message content.


This bot does not endorse or promote Russian Roulette in the real world in any way. This bot was created purely for virtual entertainment purposes. I am not liable for any data loss, damage, or any other consequences resulting from use of this software. Use at your own risk.



If you wish to host an instance of this bot yourself, follow the instructions below.

  1. Create an application in the Discord Developer Portal
  2. Create a bot for the application
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Create a file named .env in the cloned directory
  6. Copy the bot token from the Developer Portal and paste it into the .env file in this format: DISCORD_TOKEN="your token here"
  7. Run the bot with python

There is also a "preview mode" which allows for testing changes without affecting the main instance of the bot. To use the preview mode, create another application in the Discord Developer Portal and put the bot token into the .env file in this format: DISCORD_TOKEN_PREVIEW="your token here". Start the bot in preview mode using python --preview.

If you are unfamiliar with the Discord Developer Portal or Python, check out this tutorial.


MIT License

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