
IMDB clone, movie rating website built with Django and React.


Django React IMDB

1. Intro

1.1 Features of app

  1. Store movies in DB (title and description)
  2. See a list of movies
  3. Create a new movie
  4. Update existing movie
  5. Remove movies from DB
  6. Rate a movie (0-5 stars, limited one per user)
  7. Register user and login
  8. Authorize and restrict the app to login users only

1.2 Tech Stack

  1. Django: For back end
  2. Django REST framework: For REST APIs
  3. Frontend: React
  4. Programming language: Python for Django and JS for React.
  5. HTML, CSS
  6. IDE (Integrated Development Environment):

2. Django

2.1 Intro to Django

  1. Most popular Python framework as of 2020. And 6th most popular overall. First release in 2005. Older than 14 years. Thus, will stay live for a long time.
  2. Can create an entire application using Django. Both Backend and Frontend.
  3. Very easy to use as Django comes with many default features. Thus, Django is mostly preferred for applications with tighter deadlines.
  4. Cons:
    • Not a minimal framework like Flask. As it comes with many built in features. So with Django, our project might have features that we don't even need.
    • lesser control over the functionality. Since many features are built in. It will behave as per Django providing lesser control to us.
  5. In this app, we will use Django only for backend and React for frontend.

2.2 Explore 3 ways to Install Python

  1. Only Python: In our case: we will download this one. Let's see 2 more options:
  2. Python distribution: A distribution is a version of Python that also comes pre-packaged with additional useful libraries
  3. Distributions:
  4. check version of installed python: python --version will return 2.7.16
    • python3 --version: will return 3.8.3
  5. For Linting and debugging: Add Python extension by Microsoft in VSCode
  6. Check path of installation: which python & which python3

2.3 Python package manager pip

  1. In python to add any additional package we will use the package manager pip. It stands for pip installs package.
  2. pip comes by default with python.
  3. To install a package run: pip install packagename

2.4 Installing Virtual Environment

  1. Virtual Environment: By default if we install any package it will install globally on our system. For example we want django in our project. To install django we need to run pip install django. But if I run that, it will install django on my system. But we don't want that. Since I can have multiple projects on my system and each project might need different version of django and different set of packages. Thus, We want to create a virtual python environment for our project. So that all the package requirements of our project will be installed in that virtual environment and not effect our global/system environment.
    • And once our project is finished, if we want the same project to run on a different machine, we don't need to send entire virtual environment to the new machine. All we have to do is create one file called requirements.txt which will hold list of all the packages. And use that file to install all packages for another virtual environment on a new system.
  2. Create venv using: python3 -m venv imdb_venv: -m stands for make
  3. activate: . imdb_venv/bin/activate or source imdb_venv/bin/activate. Once activated: terminal prompt will start with (imdb_venv)
  4. Deactivate: deactivate

2.5 Install Django and djangorestframework

  1. From venv: pip install django - installs django (latest: 3.0.6) and pytz library for timezone support
  2. pip install djangorestframework. and add rest_framework to file.
  3. Optional: If getting any warning, also upgrade pip pip install --upgrade pip.

2.6 Create Project

  1. from venv: django-admin startproject imdb or django-admin startproject imdb . if you want it to be created in current directory
  2. Rename main folder to imddb_project to avoid confusion with inside project folder with same name.
  3. has all the code for running scripts
  4. Run server: cd imdb_project and python runserver no need to mention python3 again. Since venv was created with python3. we can directly use python.

2.7 PyCharm

  1. Launch project with pycharm. Select folder that contains both venv and project. It automatically activates venv. unlike vscode where we have to manually activate.
  2. Launch terminal and run python runserver
  3. Instead of doing that again and again, we can configure PyCharm to do that for us.
    • Add Configuration ---> Add script path, working directory path and parameters: runserver.

2.8 Create new App, run migrations

  1. The project folder imdb is basically a container for all the apps that we can have on our website. Each module can be specified as an app which will perform a specific task.
  2. Create app: python startapp api or django-admin startapp api
  3. Add api to list of INSTALLED_APPS
  4. create migrations: python makemigrations
  5. Apply migrations: python migrate
  6. check migration: python showmigrations

2.9 URLs, create superuser

  1. Create api/ file. Include it in main project urls file: imdb/
  2. python createsuperuser

2.10 Create Models

  1. api/
    • Create Movie, Rating class
  2. Register models to admin with
  3. python makemigrations and python migrate
  4. Run or python runserver
  5. Check at

2.11 Serializers using rest_framework

  1. Create api/ file
    • Create MovieSerializer and RatingSerializer to convert Movie, Rating models into JSON. (using sesrializers.ModelSerializer from rest_framework)
  2. api/ file: Create MovieViewSet, RatingViewSet using viewsets from rest_framework. To serve serialized data to endpoint
  3. Add routes on api/ file where our views will be available for access.
    • register viewsets on rest_framework routers
  4. Test in postman or browser for GET, POST, PUT & DELETE. Better to use postman since that will mimic an actual external source.
    • Note: while testing make sure to always add / at the end.
    • postman, for POST: enter url ---> select body ---> select form-data ---> enter title and description for key, value and submit. If one of them is not entered: it will throw an error: required field.
    • post couple of movies. Test. Test GET call. - post call will return data we posted
    • Test PUT at: and enter key value pairs. check GET - response body will return updated data
    • Test DELETE. Note: Delete does not have any response body.
  5. Test - GET call
    • POST: enter key value pair. user and movie ids can be checked in admin. Try posting twice: it will throw the unique movie, user error.
    • PUT is also not allowed because of unique_together
    • Test POST with rating > 5 ex 10. will throw max value validation

2.12 Custom Method in MovieViewSet for rating movie

  1. We will see how to customize ModelViewSets from rest_framework by overwriting with our own code
  2. api/ - customize MovieViewSet to create a new end point to rate movie

2.13 Request Data for custom method rating movie

  1. Check if stars is provided in request or not and accordingly modify response.
  2. For rating a movie - rating model needs 3 things: movie, user and stars. Get access to movie using pk.

2.14 Update and Create for custom method rating movie

  1. For rating a movie - rating model needs 3 things: movie, user and stars. We have already added movie to custom method. Let's add user and stars as well.
    • Get stars from
    • Get user from request.user
  2. Create / update rating for a movie.
  3. Send rating data along with message in response.

2.15 Add ratings info to movies API endpoint

  1. Create a custom fn to include ratings info to movies API. Fn can created in view/serializer/model.
  2. Create fn in Movie model in
  3. Add that fn to serializer
  4. Test if new field no_of_ratings is added to the response body at:
    • Test by deleting ratings
  5. Create another custom fn avg_rating in Movie model for avg rating.
  6. Add fn to MovieSerializer
  7. Test if new field avg_rating is added to the response body at:
  8. Note: Ratings info could also have been fetched separately from ratings API but then we will have to do 2 API calls. So, we handled it in an optimized way to return both movie and ratings data with movies API.

2.16 Implement auth using Token Auth

  1. Enable token auth using rest_framework.authtoken
    • Add it to INSTALLED_APPS in file
  2. run migration with python migrate
    • It will apply authtoken migrations to our DB
  3. Generate token for current user in admin.
  4. Create a login api endpoint at project level: imdb/ file
  5. Test in postman
    • POST call for
    • on providing username and pwd, it wl return a token
    • later we can restrict our other APIs to work only if this token is passed in Headers
  6. Add TokenAuthentication class in api/ for both movie and rating view set to handle/translate token received.

2.17 Create users API endpoints for GET, POST, DELETE methods

  1. Create UserViewSet in api/ file
  2. Create UserSerializer in api/ file
  3. Link UserViewSet to a url in api/ file using which users can register. router.register('users','UserViewSet')
  4. Test - by calling with GET method. no need to pass any headers for this. Response should return username and hashed password.

2.18 Register user - hide pwd in GET call and hash it for POST

  1. Now with GET call any one can see the pwd. To avoid this: Add extra kwargs to UserSerializer for making pwd write only and mandatory.
  2. Test registration - with POST call.
    • If only username is sent, it wl throw pwd reqd error.
    • Provide both fields and on POST, it will be successful and return just id, username.
  3. But right now we are sending the password as a string. Thus, in admin if we check kiran2, password will show invalid formatting.
    • We must hash the password before sending it to POST call
    • To handle this overwrite the create method and pass validatedData while creating user. Thus password will be automatically validated and hashed.
    • Test by posting another user and then in admin for this user, password will show as hashed.
  4. Delete kiran2, since it has improper pwd hashing

2.19 Creating Token for User

  1. Token Issue Fix:
    • If we check at, we will see only one token that we manually created. Thus, Django is not creating token automatically when a new user is registered.
    • in api/ file for UserSerializer, modify create method to create token as well along with user.
    • Test by creating a new user kiran4 with POST:
    • Check if token is created for kiran4 in admin/tokens section.
    • kiran3 does not have any token. Can create one manually.
  2. Check login at by entering new user details and it should return the token.

2.20 Restricting MovieViewSet

  1. Add REST_FRAMEWORK settings in file.
  2. Add permission_classes IsAuthenticated to MovieViewSet in file.
  3. Now on calling GET on will return authentication not provided.
  4. Test again by sending Authorization: Token tokendataforkiran4 with GET call

2.21 AllowAny, Restricting update and create for Ratings API

  1. Add AllowAny for MovieViewSet and IsAuthenticated for RatingViewSet. This will make movies/ endpoint public while rating will stay private.
  2. Test
  3. We already have rate_movie endpoint in MovieViewSet which handles POST and PUT for us. So we can disable the default create and update methods from RatingViewSet
  4. Add IsAuthenticated back for MovieViewSet because we need only authenticated users to leave rating at rate_movie/

3. React

3.1 Project setup

  1. npx create-react-app imdb_ui
  2. cd imdb_ui and npm start

3.2 Cleanup

  1. src/ folder - Delete logo, App.test.js
  2. Modify title in index.html, content in App.js & App.css

3.3 Create List component

  1. Create components/MovieList.js
  2. Pass movie data from App.js

3.4 Fetch Data

  1. Fetch can be done in 2 ways:
    • Axios: popular library for React
    • use built in JS fetch method
  2. Add fetch GET call for movies api in App.js
  3. CORS issue:
    • Now GET API call will fail. We must tell Django which servers to trust for API calls.

3.5 CORS Issue Fix in Django


  1. Use external library django-cors-headers
    • Follow instructions from doc at:
    • pip install django-cors-headers
    • Add 'corsheaders' to INSTALLED_APPS
    • Add middleware 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware', after commonmiddleware
    • Add CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True to file. It will allow all hosts to do cross-site requests. Not recommended for prod. Less secure. Only use for local
    • For prod use CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST in file and add list of allowed hosts. Now we will add localhost:3000 - react local endpoint. Once deployed to prod, remember to add prod URL as well.
    • Restart FE and BE server. And load http://localhost:3000/ - movies GET API call will be successful.

3.6 Storing Movies from response in State

  1. App.js: Log response data in FE by converting fetch response to JSON.
  2. store movie data in state
  3. Read movie data in MovieList.js

3.7 Details Component

  1. create MovieDetails.js
  2. Add MovieDetails.js to App.js

3.8 Passing Data b/w components

  1. Now we need to select a movie for MovieDetails.js when a movie is clicked on in MovieList.js
  2. Send event from MovieList.js via props
  3. Catch event and store data in state in App.js
  4. Modify MovieDetails.js to show more data

3.9 Rating with stars from Font awesome

  1. Add font awesome - Follow guide at:
    • cd imdb_ui
    • npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
    • npm i --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
    • npm i --save @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
    • or single line instead of above 3: npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
    • Add start font awesome icon to MovieDetails.js file. And change color of star based on avg rating
  2. Add no. of votes info to MovieDetails.js file.

3.10 POST method for rating movie - API: movies/id/rate_movie/

  1. Add code in MovieDetails.js to POST rating for movie
  2. Add CSS for new stars
  3. Check if POST call is successful.
  4. Right now: after rating, star count is not being reflected on FE until refresh. We will fix that later.

3.11 Update View for rating movie

  1. MovieDetails.js: Call movies/id/ api to get updated data from specific movie after rating is successful
  2. update the selectedMovie data in App.js so that the updated movie data will reflect in MovieDetails.js
    • Imp Note: is immutable. So never, change data in props. Change data at parent level and send back via props.

3.12 Environment file .env for API endpoints

  1. Right now we are repeating the API url host '' in our code. We can optimize this by adding the environment details in a separate .env file.
  2. Replace host url with ${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL} in App.js and MovieDetails.js
  3. Restart FE server and test if APIs are still working.

3.13 DELETE method

  1. Call Delete API in MovieList.js
  2. Update state in parent ie App.js to reflect the new data.

3.14 Add Form for Edit/New Movie Method

  1. Create MovieForm.js
  2. Dispatch edit and New movie clicks from MovieList.js
  3. Listen to dispatch event and show the MovieForm component in edit/new movie mode.
  4. Add some styles

3.15 Add fields to Form

  1. Add fields to edit title and description in form at MovieForm.js
  2. Link the fields to cancel, save, on change method.
  3. Dispatch cancel event to App.js
  4. Listen to cancel event on App.js and make editedMovie null

3.16 Form update and Save

  1. Call POST and PUT APIs for movie in MovieForm.js
  2. Update state in parent App.js

3.17 Routing

  1. Create Login.js component.
  2. Install react-router-dom: npm i react-router-dom
  3. Install react-cookie: npm i react-cookie: will use later
  4. Add Route and BrowserRouter to index.js
    • Route is a component from react-router-dom that maps browser urls to components
    • BrowserRouter is a component from react-router-dom that wraps all Route components and then can be used in React JSX.
  5. Test http://localhost:3000/ : login component and http://localhost:3000/movies/ : App component

3.18 Login Component

  1. Login.js - Add form fields and call auth API to login and fetch token from response.

3.19 Store Token in Cookies

  1. CookiesProvider is a wrapper we can wrap our components with. And all the components under it will receive the cookie.
  2. Import CookiesProvider in index.js. And wrap all the Route paths with it.
  3. Enable cookies for specific component using withCookies as a wrapper around components
  4. Add withCookies to Login.js and store the cookie with this.props.cookies.set('imdb-token', res.token)
  5. Get cookie using .get method in other components and pass token to API.

3.20 Registration view in Login component

  1. Login.js - check if user is not logged in and show registration view. Test register and login.
  2. Notes Optional: In our case, registration is working properly. In case it does not, make sure to add permission class as AllowAny for UserViewSet in Django: api/ file. and try again.