
Opinionated version of `startproject` with some popular third-party packages.

MIT License



Opinionated version of django-admin startproject that intends to go further and do things that startproject can't do but most people will do anyway. Here's what you can get:

  • ⚛️ Whitenoise: for serving static files in production (usually you don't want to set up a separate server for this).
  • 🔧 slightly modified to also understand environment variables and .env files. This functionality requires the django-environ package. Also, app logger is mostly pre-configured for you.
  • 🔑 Minimal login/logout pages so you can set this up without reading the guide again.
  • 🔒 Support for marking PostgreSQL databases as read-only to prevent accidental modification of critical data.
  • 🧰 script/bootstrap and other scripts to rule them all so your fellow developers and maintainers don't ask you how to run this thing. Current versions of these scripts optimized for use with poetry, but you can easily adapt them for any Python package manager.
  • 🏗️ Dockerfile and .dockerignore: one day your app will go to production, and we've got you covered.
  • 🏛️ Gitlab CI config.
  • ⚕️ Pre-configured linter so you can find some common problems automagically.
  • 🏃 Pre-configured pytest because you are going to need unit tests one day.
  • 🗃️ Auto-checks if you forgot to create migrations whenever you run tests or CI.
  • *️⃣ .gitignore: well, you know why.


  • *nix system;
  • django-admin installed and available from $PATH.

Generated files will work fine in Django >= 2.0, not tested in earlier versions.

How to use

  • Install the package: pip install django-spinproject
  • Create a new project: django-spinproject --create <path>
  • OR initialize spinproject in your existing project's folder: django-spinproject --init

You're all set. Now you can take a look at the list of available modules: django-spinproject --help

Use django-spinproject --enable to enable a module, django-spinproject --upgrade to apply changes.

CLI commands

  • --create PATH: create django project in specified path
  • --init: create spinproject.json file
  • --enable MODULE_TO_ENABLE: enable specified module; use 'all' to enable most common modules; use 'ALL' to enable all available modules;
  • --disable MODULE_TO_DISABLE: disable specified module
  • --upgrade [MODULE_TO_UPGRADE]: upgrade (specified or all) enabled modules

Available modules

  • gitignore — Creates .gitignore file suitable for most Django projects.
  • srta — Creates Scripts to Rule Them All (simplifies life a lot, you should check it out).
  • pytest — Creates pytest.ini and .coveragerc files.
  • dockerfile — Creates a Dockerfile.
  • dockerignore — Creates .dockerignore (you should totally do that).
  • docker-scripts — Creates additional SRTA scripts for building and pushing your Docker image.
  • gitlab-ci — Creates GitLab CI config, .gitlab-ci.yml.
  • pg-readonly — Creates a DatabaseWrapper class for readonly connection to PostgreSQL.
  • settings — Improves the default, adding support for envvars and .env files. Also enables Whitenoise and CLI logger.
  • login-template — Creates minimal login/logout pages.

Planned features

(for requests, create an issue or drop me a line at [email protected])


See the Releases page.

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