
Django 2.0 App integrating resumable-js in forms and admin for large files upload

MIT License


Django 2.x Resumable (django2-resumable)

django2-resumable provides Django 2.1 backend stuff (e.g. ModelFields, Forms, staticfiles) to integrates resumable.js in Django apps and admin.

This projects build on the original django-resumable by jeanphix, which (afaik) it is not maintained anymore, and does not support Django 2.x - main reason why I ended up developing this in the first place (ed.)


(from the documentation)

Resumable.js is a JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable and resumable uploads via the HTML5 File API.

The library is designed to introduce fault-tolerance into the upload of large files through HTTP. This is done by splitting each file into small chunks. Then, whenever the upload of a chunk fails, uploading is retried until the procedure completes. This allows uploads to automatically resume uploading after a network connection is lost either locally or to the server. Additionally, it allows for users to pause, resume and even recover uploads without losing state because only the currently uploading chunks will be aborted, not the entire upload.

Resumable.js does not have any external dependencies other than the HTML5 File API. This is relied on for the ability to chunk files into smaller pieces. Currently, this means that support is widely available in to Firefox 4+, Chrome 11+, Safari 6+ and Internet Explorer 10+.


  • pip install django2-resumable
  • Add django2_resumable to your INSTALLED_APPS

How to use


In order to enable asynchronous files upload files, you must define an endpoint that will deal with uploaded file chunks:

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('resumable_upload/', include('django2_resumable.urls')),

By default, the resume-upload view is provided with no restriction on the accesses (i.e. no login_required nor staff_member_required).

To enable the view on restricted levels of permissions, urls should be modified accordingly:

from django.contrib.auth.views import login_required
# To enable view in AdminForm
from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required

from django2_resumable.views import resumable_upload
from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [
    path('resumable-upload', login_required(resumable_upload), 
    path('admin-resumable-upload', staff_member_required(resumable_upload), 


django2-resumable provides a ResumableFileField that can be easily integrated in your Model class:

from django.db import models
from django2_resumable.fields import ResumableFileField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    file = ResumableFileField(chunks_upload_to='resumable_chunks', **kwargs)

The ResumableFileField field extends the default django.core.fields.FileField by including an additional parameter, namely chunks_upload_to specifying the path in the MEDIA_ROOT in which temporary chunks will be uploaded. Once the upload is complete, the file will be automatically moved to the upload_to destination folder (if any).


If you want to handle resumable upload within your forms, you can use the FormResumableFileField:

from django.forms import Form
from django2_resumable.forms import FormResumableFileField

class ResumableForm(Form):
    file = FormResumableFileField()

It is as simple as that: FormResumableFileField simply extends the core django.forms.FileField by injecting the django_resumable.widgets.ResumableWidget. This widget is the default widget mapped by default to ResumableFileField instances (see django_resumable.fields.ResumableFileField.formfield method).

Additional Settings

django2-resumable comes with some extendable settings allowing for additional setup:

  • RESUMABLE_SUBDIR: Directory in MEDIA_ROOT in which chunks will be uploaded. This settings will be overriden by any chunks_upload_to options specified at the time of definition of ResumableFileField within Django Model.

  • RESUMABLE_STORAGE: (default Django Storage class to be used to handle the uploads.

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