
Delete functionality for normalised models

MIT License



Delete, Update functionality for normalised models

Use-Case :

  • Draup Django provide
    stateful delete, update functionality at ORM(object relational mapping)level.

Table of Content :

Stateful Delete/Update

  • Below are functions inorder to get the stateful delete/update

Get Affected Objects

  • List out all dependent objects(Prompt-Messages).
  • getAffectedObjects takes input dict with id as key and reference of model.
Sample Input : ({'id':1},model_reference)
Output : Error_list(list),prompt messages(list)

Delete Object

  • Delete object with all the dependent objects.
  • deleteObject takes input dict with id and force_delete as key and reference of model.
Sample Input : ({'id':1,'force_delete':True},model_reference)
Output : Error_list(list)

Update Object

  • Transferring Object dependencies from one object to another object.
  • updateObjectDependencies takes input source,destination objects.
Sample Input : (source,destination)
Output : Error_list(list)


  • Use Pip to install the module

    pip install draup-django

Usage :

  • Sample model :

      class parent(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
      class child(models.Model):
        parent = models.ForeignKey(parent, on_delete=models.CASCADE) 
        name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
  • Parent Table :

    id Name
    1 Alice
    2 Tom
  • Child Table :

    id Name parent_id
    1 Bob 1
    2 Jack 2
  • Code :

     from draup_django import utility
     m = models.parent
     Get Prompt Message
     error_list,prompt_message = utility.getAffectedObjects({'id':1},m)
     Deletion with all dependent objects
     error_list = utility.deleteObject({'id':1,'force_delete':True},m)
     Transferring Object dependencies
     source = m.objects.filter(id=1).first()
     destination = m.objects.filter(id=2).first()
     error_list = utility.updateObjectDependencies(source,destination)
  • Output : Prompt Message of getAffectedObjects function

    [{'message': 'This object has been used in child 1 times.', 'model_name': 'child', 'Parent models': '', 'count': 1}] 
  • Note :

    • Every function returns the error_list, and hence only the operation is successful only if it is empty.

    • According to above Child/Parent Table updateObjectDependencies function will transafer object dependency from id:1 to id:2 so parent_id of Bob will become 2.

    • Updated Child Table:

      id Name parent_id
      1 Bob 2
      2 Jack 2

Limitation :

  • updateObjectDependencies will not work in case of unique constraint,one to one field in model.
  • Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback at [email protected] .

About Draup :

Draup is an enterprise decision-making platform for global CXO leaders in sales and talent domains. Draup combines Artificial Intelligence with human curation to help organizations make data-driven strategic decisions. The platform is powered by machine- generated models, which are augmented by a team of analysts adding their learning-based insights to provide a 360-degree transactable view of their sales and talent ecosystem. We work on cutting edge technolgies and run highly complex algorithms on huge volumes of data. We also rely on open-sourcing which equips us with the right tools which allows us to find truly unique and innovate solutions to several problems.