
PayTM Integration based on Django REST Framework

GPL-3.0 License


PayTM | Django REST Framework

A package for PayTM integration in Django REST Framework

PayTM | Django REST Framework is a Django packaged app that provides necessary views based in Django REST Framework. It enables easy integration of PayTM Payment Gateway with Web/Mobile Application with a RESTful API based server.


  • Civil Machines Technologies Private Limited: For providing me platform and
    funds for research work. This project is hosted currently with CMT only.
  • Himanshu Shankar: Himanshu Shankar has initiated this project and worked on this
    project to collect useful functions and classes that are being used in various projects.


  • Download and Install via pip
pip install drf_paytm

or Download and Install via easy_install

easy_install drf_paytm
  • Add, if wanted, drfaddons in INSTALLED_APPS (This is although not required!)
  • Also add other dependencies in INSTALLED_APPS
  • Include urls of drf_paytm in urls.py
urlpatterns = [
    path('api/paytm/', include('drf_paytm.urls')),

# or

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^api/paytm/', include('drf_paytm.urls')),
  • Run migrate command:
python manage.py migrate

Frontend API Integration Guideline

  1. Prepare json data to post on request/ view: {"oid": "ORDER_ID", "amount": "200", "callback_url": "FRONT_END APP URL"}
  2. callback_url: FrontEnd URL to open when payment is successful. Must not have any queryset as ?oid=ORDER_ID is
  3. Post to request/ and parse response to prepare a HTML form as per code shown below.
  4. Don't add <input> for empty and null fields from json response of request/ API.
  5. Set CALLBACK_URL in HTML from paytm_callback_url of JSON.
  6. Once the payment is done, user is redirected to response/ view which will verify payment.
  7. If payment is verified by Django Backend, user is redirected to http://callback_url?oid=ORDER_ID.
  8. Access order/ORDER_ID/ API to get is_completed status. If it's false, check last_payment_status.

Note: In case of critical failure, server's JSON response is shown.

Sample HTML Code to be generated by FrontEnd App(from PayTM)

        <title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>
        <center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>
        <form method="post" action="https://securegw-stage.paytm.in/theia/processTransaction" name="f1">
            <table border="1">
                    <input type="hidden" name="MID" value="rxazcv89315285244163">
                    <input type="hidden" name="WEBSITE" value="WEBSTAGING">
                    <input type="hidden" name="ORDER_ID" value="order1">
                    <input type="hidden" name="CUST_ID" value="cust123">
                    <input type="hidden" name="MOBILE_NO" value="7777777777">
                    <input type="hidden" name="EMAIL" value="[email protected]">
                    <input type="hidden" name="INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID" value="Retail">
                    <input type="hidden" name="CHANNEL_ID" value="WEB">
                    <input type="hidden" name="TXN_AMOUNT" value="100.12">
                    <input type="hidden" name="CALLBACK_URL" value="https://Merchant_Response_URL>">
                    <input type="hidden" name="CHECKSUMHASH" value="ZWdMJOr1yGiFh1nns2U8sDC9VzgUDHVnQpG
        <script type="text/javascript">


The application has three models:

  • PayTMConfiguration: You need to define your PayTM configurations in this model. Only one object can have
    is_active set to True which will be used with PayTM API.
  • TransactionRequest: This will contain all the PayTM Transaction Request that one will create with PayTM.
  • TransactionResponse: This will contain all the responses received from PayTM API against transaction.


The application has following views:

  • ListAddTransactionRequestView: All payment request should be made on this view. Requires a logged in user.
    It'll provide user with required data, including checksum hash that will be used with PayTM API.
  • AddTransactionResponseView: Response from PayTM is posted on this view. URL for this view should go as
    CALLBACK_URL. This view then redirects user to FrontEnd app with OID as queryset parameter.
  • PayNowTransaction: This view is for testing w/o a frontend client. It will open PayTM payment page.


  • request/: All payment request to be made via this URL.
  • response/: All response from PayTM is posted on this URL.
  • order/OID/: Retrieve specific payment request data.
  • now/: For immediate testing of API, open this url.

Quickstart Guide

  • Complete Installation Steps (mentioned above)
  • Create a configuration via Django Admin in PayTM Configuration.
  • Provide base_url of your Backend Server.
  • Set is_active to True
  • Note: Use sandbox mode credential at first
  • Test API by accessing /api/paytm/now/ endpoint
  • Use PayTM Testing Credential:
Mobile: 7777777777
OTP: 489871
Password: Paytm12345