
Meal Helper - Recipe and MealPlan Management System

MIT License


Meal Helper - Recipe and MealPlan Management System



Web application for tracking Recipes, Meals, MealPlans and Nutritional Information. Built using Django, Django REST Framework, Heroku, Metabase and Swagger


Local instructions

  • Make sure you have a Postgres version greater than 9.6

  • Clone the repo

  • Create your .env file by using .env.example as template and substituting values based on your environment

  • Use Pyenv to install and set Python to version 3.7.x

  • Run pipenv install

  • Activate the virtualenv using pipenv shell

  • Create development Postgres Database using the command createdb meal_planner_db and permissions for user as mentioned in the meal_planner/settings/ eg.

    • $ createdb meal_planner_db
    • $ psql -U <user> or $ psql postgres
    • # CREATE ROLE meal_planner_app WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your-awesome-password';
    • # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE meal_planner_db TO meal_planner_app;
    • # \q
  • Create a superuser using the command python createsuperuser

  • Run the local server using the command python runserver

  • Hop on to the site and go to <your-localhost-with-port>/admin

  • Use the above credentials to log into the admin panel


API Documentation

Implementation Choices

  • Python3: Py2 is has reached EoL
  • Pyenv: For multiple python env management
  • Pipenv: For managing Pip files and environment variables
  • Postgres: Open Source RDBMS Version above 9 to use jsonb if required
  • Django: Between Bottle, Flask and Django; Django provides a much richer ecosystem and helps the user hit the ground running much faster as compared to Flask. Django 2.2 offers LTS.
  • Grappelli: Django Admin Panel replacement. Had to refactor from Django Jet as Jet is broken above Django 2.0
  • Django REST Framework: REST APIs with automagical CRUD and extendability
  • DRF JWT: JWT for auth. Need to move towards SimpleJWT
  • Django Debug Toolbar: More efficient debugging + power shell
  • Django Query Count: Relatively obscure library which prints out all the queries that happen behind any API request. Helps find bottle necks and duplicated queries
  • Raven/Sentry: Capture bugs and stack traces in non prod env
  • Heroku: Smooth and feature rich PaaS which helps you focus on Dev without fretting a lot about DevOps
  • UnitTest: Unit Tests for Task 1 using UnitTest Library since it is the standard library and fits the needs for now
  • Django Filter: Helps build custom filters which can be dropped in with DRF
  • Swagger UI: De facto API Documentation Tool