
Example using Docker, Django, multiple Postgres databases, NginX, Gunicorn, pipenv, GitLab CI and tox.

ISC License


Example using Docker, Django, multiple Postgres databases, NginX, Gunicorn, pipenv, GitLab CI and tox

This is a Docker setup for a web application based on Django.

  • The Django application is served by Gunicorn (WSGI application).
  • We use NginX as reverse proxy and static files server. Static and media files are
    persistently stored in volumes.
  • Multiple Postgres databases can be used. Data are persistently stored in volumes.
  • Python dependencies are managed through pipenv, with Pipfile and Pipfile.lock.
  • Support for multiple environment settings (variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is passed
    to the djangoapp service).
  • Tests are run using tox, pytest, and other tools such as safety, bandit, isort and prospector.
  • Continuous Integration is configured for GitLab with .gitlab-ci.yml.
    CI follows a Build-Test-Release flow. WARNING: this part is not fully functional yet.

Also a Makefile is available for convenience. You might need to use sudo make instead of just make because docker and docker-compose commands often needs admin privilege.


You need to install Docker and Docker-Compose.


docker-compose build or make build.

Migrate databases

docker-compose run --rm djangoapp hello/ migrate or make migrate.

Collect static files

docker-compose run --rm djangoapp hello/ collectstatic --no-input' or make collectstatic.


docker-compose up or make run.


  • make checksafety
  • make checkstyle
  • make test
  • make coverage

Related blog post

Docker Compose with NginX, Django, Gunicorn and multiple Postgres databases


Software licensed under the ISC license.