
🐳 A Docker Compose configuration to run a WordPress localhost environment with Apache

GPL-2.0 License


WP Locker with Apache

WP Locker, stands for "WordPress Local Docker", is a Docker configuration to set up an Apache localhost environment for WordPress site development. It is based on the WP-Docklines image. It includes tools and utilities that are commonly required in WordPress development such as PHPUnit, PHPCS, and WordPress Coding Standards.


There are a number of Docker configurations for WordPress development. Yet, I found most of these images are stacked with things that are not needed in my projects, unsuitable for my workflow, or do not work with the CI service that I'm using. So eventually, I have to built my own and it's also become an opportunity for me to dig into Docker deeper.


To get "WP Locker" up and running, you'll need to the following installed on your computer:

Follow the instruction below to get it up and running.

Getting Started

Download or clone this repository.

git clone -b master https://github.com/tfirdaus/wp-locker.git wp-locker && cd wp-locker
git submodule update --init --recursive

Theh above command will clone it to a new directory named wp-locker and change the directory to it.

Run the following command to start the localhost. It will build the containers up, install WordPress Core with the default configuration in the .env file, installing the plugins from WordPress.org repository as well as the specified Github or Bitbucket repositories.

bash bin/start.sh

The site should now be available at http://localhost:8082 unless you've changed the WORDPRESS_DOMAIN or WORDPRESS_PORT value in the .env file. If you've done with the development, you can turn the localhost of by running the following command; it will stop the containers, the networks, the volumes, and the images that have been created.

bash bin/down.sh

To turn the container back up, simply run:

bash bin/up.sh -d wordpress

You can browse the site again at http://localhost:8082, and be sure to check the Wiki page for more usage and tutorials.

Shell Helper Cheatsheet

WP Locker comes with a set of Shell helpers to perform some tedious tasks. Here are some that you might need often:

Command Description
bash bin/start.sh Starting the localhost with WordPress, the theme, and the plugins installed
bash bin/start.sh --https Starting the localhost to load with HTTPS; also install WordPress, theme, and plugins if it's not done so
bash bin/up.sh wordpress Build/rebuild the Docker image and spinning the localhost
bash bin/up.sh -d wordpress Spinning up the localhost in the background
bash bin/down.sh Shutting-down the container
bash bin/destroy.sh Shutting-down the container and remove everything

Looking for an nginx flavour?

It's currently a WIP. So, stay tuned.