
Ansible playbooks for building containers used to test Ansible roles with molecule.

MIT License



This repository contains a Makefile, Ansible inventory and playbook for building Docker images running an init system for use in Ansible Molecule tests.

This is the successor of the buildah scripts from buildah-molecule-images.


sudo dnf -y install git make python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv

mkdir -p ~/src/ansible && cd ~/src/ansible

git clone

cd ansible-molecule-images

pip install --user --upgrade pip
pip install --user keyring

# set docker registry user and secret, add to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bashrc.d/env
keyring set docker user
keyring set docker secret

# nvim ~/.bashrc.d/env
export DOCKER_USER=$(keyring get docker user)
export DOCKER_SECRET=$(keyring get docker secret)

# optionally edit containers.yml and add more registries and credentials under key push_registries.
# nvim containers.yml
make install

make <all|almalinux|alpine|amazonlinux|archlinux|debian|fedora|opensuse|oralcelinux|ubuntu>

# to upgrade the virtualenv packages and ansible-galaxy dependencies run:
make upgrade


The playbook playbooks/build.yml utilizes the ansible.builtin.template module to render Dockerfiles to the directory build/{{ inventory_hostname }}/Dockerfile and then uses the containers.podman,podman_image module to build and push the images to the configured registries from the inventory file containers.yml. In this file the registries and its credentials are listed as list of dictionaries under the key push_registries. The name of the built image is configured in build_image as host_var, the tags in build_tags, also as host_vars.

Inventory variables in containers.yml

Any of these variables can be set at all, group or host level, where host level has the highest precedence.

variable scope type default description
ansible_connection all str local defines ansible_connection=local for all inventory hosts
build_image group str None name/repo of the built image, the namespace is used from push_registries.item.username
build_maintainer all str Jonas Mauer <[email protected]> build maintainer used in MAINTAINER and ENV maintainer= statement in generated Dockerfiles
build_tags host list=str None tags for the built images, the first listed tag will be used in FROM statement in Dockerfile, so e.g. [39, latest] will use tag 39 to build the image and push it tagged as 39 and latest
container_image group str None name of the image to use in FROM statement in generated Dockerfile
container_registry all str the container registry from where an image is pulled, used in FROM statement in generated Dockerfile
push_registries all list=dict [ { name:, username: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'DOCKER_USER') }}", password: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'DOCKER_USER') }}" } ] list of registriy definitions as dictionaries to where the built images are pushed

Getting Started

This provides an overview of the prerequisites and ansible dependencies, as well as some usage examples.


The following prerequisites must be installed before using this playbook.

System packages (Fedora)

The following packages need to be installed manually, adopt to your distribution as package names may vary:

  • git
  • make
  • python3 >= 3.6
  • python3-pip
  • python3-virtualenv

Python (requirements.txt)

The python prerquisites are installed in a virtualenv .venv via the Makefile with make install.

  • ansible >= 2.15

To install it manually for your user without virtualenv run:

pip install --user --upgrade pip
pip install --user --upgrade ansible >= 2.15

For development the following are also installed by make install:

  • commitizen
  • pre-commit
  • python-semantic-release

Dependencies (requirements.yml)

The containers.podman collection will be installed in the virtualenv during make install.

To install it manually for your regular user without virtualenv run:

ansible-galaxy collection install containers.podman

As a requirements.yml file

# name: ansible-molecule-images
# file: requirements.yml

  - containers.podman

roles: []

it can be installed with:

ansible-galaxy install -r requiremens.yml

Usage / Examples

Build and push images for Fedora and Debian

All Fedora images are created in parallel, after completion the Debian images are created.

make fedora debian

Build and push images for Fedora and Debian in parallel

This will make make run 2 jobs simultaniously, but mind the resource consumption:

make -j 2 fedora debian

This basically translates to the two commands:

ansible-playbook playbooks/build.yml --limit=fedora &
ansible-playbook playbooks/build.yml --limit=debian &

The inventory containers.yml is configured as static yaml inventory in ansible.cfg and therefore implicitly used by ansible-playbook.


This content is published under the MIT License.


This content was created in 2024 by Jonas Mauer (@jomrr).

Thanks to @fgoebel for his contributions to buildah-molecule-images. They are included here. Looking forward to collaborating again.
