
A very small Docker image to bootstrap your PHP development


Docker Alpine PHP

A very small Docker image to bootstrap your PHP development.

Why this image?

Of course, there are official PHP images but the size looks a little big for my development machine, and I also prefer some customization on my builds.

In addition, I sometimes want to quickly run a small PHP script, so I don't really need that big-in-size official images.

The size-differences illustrated below:

REPOSITORY                      TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
petehouston/docker-alpine-php   5.5          76642fdcb40d   5 hours ago   136.4 MB
petehouston/docker-alpine-php   5.6          d4a16ab8659b   6 hours ago   137.2 MB
petehouston/docker-alpine-php   7.0          5a2b3687d124   9 hours ago   138.5 MB
petehouston/docker-alpine-php   7.4          5add74c7f4b2   4 hours ago   82.7MB

php                             7.0-alpine   562f31e64296   12 days ago   382.9 MB
php                             5.6-alpine   7bc0403e7fa9   12 days ago   334.7 MB
php                             5.5-alpine   76323652d59f   12 days ago   330.8 MB

As you can see, the difference is around 2.5-3 times.

Supported Versions

Following PHP versions are set as default

If you want to change version, just update this line in Dockerfile,

ENV PHP_VERSION Your_Desired_Version

How to use?

Just pull it to your local machine,

$ docker pull petehouston/docker-alpine-php


The repo uses make to execute the command, so you can either use make to build or manually issue the commands.

The build commands are listed below:

  • make php-5.5: to build image for PHP 5.5.
  • make php-5.6: to build image for PHP 5.6.
  • make php-7.0: to build image for PHP 7.0.
  • make build: to build images for all PHP versions.
  • make test: to execute image tests.
  • make all or make: to execute build and test
  • make clean: to remove all images.


The test suite is very simple and put in a single test script tests/


Please share your words if any. Always welcome :)

Extracted from project README's