
Fluentd docker image for aggregation layer. Build with plugins to forward logs to elasticsearch, kafka, etc.

MIT License


Fluentd log aggregator

Fluentd customized docker image for being deployed as log aggregator in Fluentbit/Fluentd forwarder/aggregation architecture pattern.

Based on official fluentd docker image, plugins have been added and default configuration has been included.

Plugins Added

The following plugins has been added to the default fluentd image

  • fluent-plugin-elasticsearch: ES as backend for routing the logs

    elasticsearch-xpack gem need to be installaed as a dependency when using elasticsearch ILM policies.

  • fluent-plugin-prometheus: Enabling prometheus monitoring
  • fluent-plugin-record-modifier: record_modifier filter faster and lightweight than embedded transform_record filter.
  • fluent-plugin-grafana-loki: Loki as backend for routing the logs

Elasticsearh plugin

When configuring fluent-plugin-elasticsearch, a specific sniffer class need to be configured for implementing reconnection logic to ES(sniffer_class_name Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchSimpleSniffer). See plugin documentation fluent-plugin-elasticsearh: Sniffer Class Name.

The path to the sniffer class need to be passed as parameter to fluentd command (-r option). Docker's entrypoint.sh has been updated to automatically provide the path to the sniffer class.

Default Fluentd Configuration

Fluentd is configured:

Multi-architecture build

Github actions have been configured to automatically build amd64 and arm64 docker images.

This images are available in docker hub https://hub.docker.com/r/ricsanfre/fluentd-aggregator

How to use this image

To create an aggregator that collects logs from other forwarders

docker run -d -p 24224:24224 -p 24224:24224/udp ricsanfre/fluentd-aggregator:latest