
Super simple role to setup multiple Docker Compose projects with minimal overhead/copy&paste.

MIT License


Simple Compose

A role meant to be kept as simple as possible whilst still trying to cover various different Docker Compose deployment variations. For now, assumes Docker Compose v2 (i.e. the plugin) is used. This will NOT work with Podman or similar container runtimes. The project makes heavy use of the built-in docker API provided by Ansible. It is mearly meant to reduce the amout of boilerplate code needed to deploy a Docker Compose project.


There are some things I have planned for this role, namely:

  • Add support for Compose v1 (even though it is deprecated, it's still used here and there, and I think it's worth supporting)
  • Add support for handlers (i.e. when a Compose project is updated, notify any given handler(s), can be useful for some Compose projects)
  • Add more configuration options (e.g. use variables for folder/file permissions, right now they're hardcoded to 0700 for the project dir and 0400 for the project files)

If you have any suggestions or want to contribute, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


You will need a working Docker installation and use Docker Compose v2. Other than that, there is none.

Role Variables

This roles uses the following variables together with its default values:

simple_compose_username: "{{ username }}"
simple_compose_projects: []

Set simple_compose_username to the username of your Docker administering user. This can be any user that has access to the Docker socket (i.e. is in the docker group).

simple_compose_projects is a list of dictionaries that define the projects you want to deploy. Each dictionary should have the following keys:

  • name: The name of the project. This will be used to differentiate the loop runs in Ansible's CLI output, and also dicates the location to the template files used for the role.
  • directory: The directory where the project is located. This should be an absolute path.
  • files: All files belonging to the compose project, like docker-compose.yaml, .db.env, .web.env, .env, etc. These must be template files, i.e. they have to end with .j2. However, the .j2 ending of the files array has to be emitted.



(Optional): geerlingguy.docker if you want to easily install Docker using Ansible.

Example Playbook

Simple playbook example:

    - hosts: all
        # Global variables shared between roles
        docker_username: "my_docker_user"

        # Varialbes specific to Geeklingguy's Docker role
          - "{{ docker_username }}"

        # Varialbes specific to the simple_compose role
          - name: "my_project"
            directory: "/compose_projects/my_project"
              - "docker-compose.yaml"
              - ".my_project.env"
          - name: "nextcloud"
            directory: "/compose_projects/nextcloud"
              - "docker-compose.yaml"
              - ".nextcloud.env"
        simple_compose_username: "{{ docker_username }}"
        # This role is optional, but it makes it easier to install Docker
        - role: geerlingguy.docker
        # Actual magic happens here
        - role: tibiiius.simple_compose

Afterward, make sure to create template files in the template directory. The role uses Ansible's built-in template module to render the files, so just stick to Ansible's default directory structure. The role will look for the files in templates/{{ name }}/{{ file }}.j2 where name is the name of the project and file is the file name specified in the files array. It will do so for each project specified.
