
Typescript NodeJS Microservices Boilerplate with Generator CLI - Moleculer, GraphQL, REST, OAuth2, Jaeger, Grafana, Prometheus, Ory Hydra, Ory Keto w/ Access Control middleware, Moleculer-DB GraphQL mixin, Pug, Redis, sibling client repo (login, persistance layer, react-native-web, ios, android)


Project Catalyst

Project Catalyst is a microservices framework which allows you to create and deploy secured base application development tools within 10 minutes.

Initial setup

  • Pull submodule for the catalyst client.
    • git submodule update --init --recursive
    • Note: If you don't want to use the catalyst client then you can remove the service section from the docker-compose along with it's volume definition.
  • Run npm i first to setup any global dev tools which are used. These are defined in the package.json which is at the root of the project.
  • Setup acme config with your email at /traefik/traefik.toml
  • Run chmod 600 traefik/acme.json

Ports Configs

These can also be viewed by looking at the docker-compose.yaml file in the project root. Any exposed service is then label within this file for Traefik configuration

Port Service
3000 Traefik Main
3001 Traefik Admin
4444 Hydra Main

Required Setup Step: .ENV Config Setup

If you have not setup a .env file you must create one at the root of the project.


EMAIL_API_KEY==############# !! mailgun specific, use nodemailer config for help !!
EMAIL_DOMAIN==############# !! mailgun specific, use nodemailer config for help !!

If you are running the catalyst-client/using the consumer-app.json config to power a app, you'll want to modify/update the callbacks per deployment env


HOST_NAME: hostname of choice to have the stack run on, if you do this: make sure that LetsEncrypt can do a hostname validation, certbot can be run via nginx if you need it but traefik will auto setup the SSL cert and hold it on a volumes in traefik/acme.json. You may need to set the permission on this folder to 600

Global Make Commands

  • make start-stack - build and launch all containers
  • make start-stack-metrics - build and launch all containers with metrics
    • Tip: You need to restart any running services with a updated docker-compose.env where METRICS_ENABLED=true
  • make stop-stack - stop all launched containers
  • make dbash SVC=SERVICE_NAME - takes SVC arg and creates a bash command line inside the running service
  • make dlog SVC=SERVICE_NAME - takes SVC arg and logs with following and tails the last 400 lines of a service
  • start-code-server - create web served version of VS Code, helpful for working on an iPad (iOS 13 preferrable)

Global NPM Scripts

Hygen Specific:

  • npm run hygen - This is a link to the executable bin/script for the hygen generator library.

  • npm run hygen generator help - View generator help

  • npm run hygen generator new [name] - Create new generator

  • npm run hygen generator new-with-prompt [name]: Create new generator w/ prompt

Project Specific:

  • npm run hygen service new: Create new service

Per Service NPM scripts

  • npm run dev - Start development mode (load all services locally with hot-reload & REPL)

  • npm run build- Uses typescript to transpile service to javascript

  • npm start - Start production mode (set SERVICES env variable to load certain services) (previous build needed)

  • npm run cli: Start a CLI and connect to production. Don't forget to set production namespace with --ns argument in script

  • npm run lint - Run TSLint

  • npm run ci - Run continuous test mode with watching

  • npm test - Run tests & generate coverage report

  • npm run dc:up: Start the stack with Docker Compose

  • npm run dc:down: Stop the stack with Docker Compose


1.0 Goals:

  • User Management
    • User Registration
    • User Login
    • Account Verify
    • Password Reset
    • Forgot Username
    • Global User Registration Event
  • Database Setup
    • Local dev support container
    • Configurable db adapter
    • Migrations support
    • Bootstrap on service at launch
  • Metrics Services
    • Prometheus setup
    • Grafana setup at /grafana
    • Metrics config setup for services
      • Add to template generation
  • Tracing Services
    • Jaeger setup at /jaeger
    • Tracing config setup for services
      • Add to template generation
  • SSL Support
    • LetsEncrypt Setup
    • Traefik Setup at :8080/dashboard
    • Domain setup instruction in
  • Redis Cache
  • API Gateway
    • REST
    • GraphQL
  • OAuth 2.0
    • implicit flow
    • consent flow
    • auth code flow
  • ORY Keto
  • Email Suport
    • Service setup w/ mailgun provider
    • Templating
    • User registration event consumption for welcome email

1.1 Goals:

  • Kubernetes configuation
  • Helm charts for each base service
  • Jenkins X Support

1.2 Gaols:

  • Social Login
  • Lerna multi repo support
  • One time password support

Links to main libraries to understand

-- Code Generator: Hygen

-- Router: Traefik

-- Containers: Docker

-- Microservice Framework: Moleculer

-- Message Bus: NATS

-- Database: Postgresql

-- Metrics: Prometheus

-- Tracing: Jaeger

-- OAuth2: Hydra

-- GraphQL: GraphQL

-- PassportJS: PassportJS

-- Kubernetes Middleware