
Ansible pre-installed docker images to support for molecule and other requirements.

MIT License



Docker images that contains ansible and/or any pre-requistes installed within the images. Purpose of these container images is to provide users with easy to use ansible docker containers as well as for easily ready images for facilitating molecule testing of ansible roles during development.

Supported tags and Dockerfile:

For Ubuntu 24.04 (noble), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Ubuntu 20.04 (focal), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Rocky Linux 8, docker tag and Dockerfile:

For CentOS 8, docker tag and Dockerfile:

For CentOS 7, docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Debian 11 (bullseye), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Debian 10 (buster), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Debian 9 (stretch), docker tag and Dockerfile:

For Debian 8 (jessie), docker tag and Dockerfile:

How to use:

Simply, pull the docker image using whichever tag you prefer or run it directly.

Ubuntu 24.04:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:ubuntu-22.04 /bin/bash

Ubuntu 22.04:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:ubuntu-22.04 /bin/bash

Ubuntu 20.04:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:ubuntu-20.04 /bin/bash

Ubuntu 18.04:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:ubuntu-18.04 /bin/bash

Ubuntu 16.04:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:ubuntu-16.04 /bin/bash

Rocky Linux 8:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:rockylinux-8 /bin/bash

CentOS 8:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:centos-8 /bin/bash

CentOS 7:

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:centos-7 /bin/bash

Debain 11 (Bullseye):

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:debian-bullseye /bin/bash

Debain 10 (Buster):

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:debian-buster /bin/bash

Debain 9 (Stretch):

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:debian-stretch /bin/bash

Debain 8 (Jessie):

docker run -it darkwizard242/ansible:debian-jessie /bin/bash


Created by Ali Muhammad, a DevOps/CloudOps Engineer who loves to learn and contribute to Open Source community.

Extracted from project README's
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