
A sample SpringBoot application

MIT License



DevZone is a web application where developers can register and post their favourite article/video posts.


  • Users can register and login
  • Authenticated user can create a new post under a category
  • Authenticated user can delete own posts
  • Admin user can delete any post
  • Any user(including guest users) can view posts with pagination
    • sort by posted date desc (default)
    • by category
    • by searching for a keyword in title

Tech Stack

How to run?

Run application locally

$ ./gradlew bootRun

Run application using docker-compose

$ ./ start_app

Deploying on kubernetes

$ cd deployment
$ ./kind/ create
$ ./ k8sdeploy
$ curl http://localhost:30090/actuator
$ curl http://localhost/actuator
$ ./ k8sundeploy
$ ./kind/ destroy

Development using Skaffold

$ skaffold dev --port-forward --skip-tests=true
$ curl http://localhost:8080/actuator

Run Gatling Tests

$ ./gradlew gatlingRun

Run PlayWright E2E Tests

$ ./gradlew :playwright-e2e-tests:e2eTest
$ export CONFIG_FILE=dev.json
$ ./gradlew :playwright-e2e-tests:e2eTest

ELK Stack

  • Start ELK stack using $ ./ start_elk
  • Go to http://localhost:5601/
  • Analytics -> Discover -> create a data view -> Name: "devzone", Index pattern: "devzone*", Timestamp field: "@timestamp"

Note: Logstash is configured to read log files, so in order to initialize the index make few requests to devzone application to generate some logs.


  • Start Prometheus, Grafana, Loki using $ ./ start_monitoring
  • Few Dashboards are already pre-configured to show SpringBoot application Metrics

Loki - Log management

  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000/datasources
  • Click on Add datasource -> Select Loki
  • Enter URL as http://loki:3100 (Host "loki" is based on name given to loki container in docker-compose-monitoring.yml file)
  • Click on Save & Test
  • Click on Explore in the Left Nav and Select Loki
  • In Log browser input text enter {job="devzone"}

Important Links

Extracted from project README
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