
Starter template for hosting a Django app on


Django starter template for

This template contains a starter Django project, Dockerfile and fly.toml config for hosting a Django app on The repository is set up as a custom Django project template. All you'll need installed to get started is Poetry and Docker for local builds.

You just need to run a few commands:

# Set up the poetry environment
$ poetry init
$ poetry add django dj-database-url daphne psycopg2-binary
# Start a django project with this template.
$ poetry run django-admin startproject \
    --template \
    --extension=py,toml \
    --name=Dockerfile \
    <ProjectName> .

# Launch a new Fly app.
$ flyctl launch --copy-config --no-deploy
# If you haven't already, configure a Postgres database in your account.
$ flyctl postgres create
# Make a note of the db app name you choose.
$ flyctl postgres attach <db-name>
# db-name should be what you selected in the previous step.
$ flyctl secrets set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<generated secret key>

At this point, everything is set up and ready to go. You can add a custom user model or make any other modifications at this point so that those changes are reflected in the first database migration and deploy.

Once you're ready for deploy:

flyctl deploy --local-only