
🐋 Simple pnpm image optimized for SvelteKit project.

WTFPL License



Simple pnpm image optimized for SvelteKit project.


docker pull kwaabot/dkit # DockerHub

docker pull # GitHub Container Registry


use importantimport/urara, build with adapter-node, serve at

ADAPTER=node required by Urara

docker run -dt --rm --name dkit \
-e ADAPTER=node \
-e REPO=importantimport/urara \
-e SERVE=true \
--network=host \
kwaabot/dkit build

local repository at /home/user/repo, pnpm-store already exists, skip installation step, start the development server with port 8080

Currently unavailable due to store-dir setting failed

docker run -dt --rm --name dkit \
-e INSTALL=false \
-v /home/user/repo:/usr/src/app \
-v /var/cache/pnpm-store:/var/cache/pnpm-store \
--network=host \
kwaabot/dkit dev --port 8080

Environment Variables

STORE ('/var/cache/pnpm-store')

pnpm-store folder location.

HOME ('/usr/src/app')

repository folder location.

REPO ('user/repo')

set to another value to use degit to download the repository.

INSTALL (true)

set to false to skip the installation step.

SERVE (false)

set to true to start the server generated by adapter- when using this feature, you should ensure that the OUT directory is configured correctly and that the index.js file is correctly generated.

OUT ('build')

adapter-node output folder name, only used when SERVE=true.


This work is free, it comes without any warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.