
A bundle of apps. Previously available as separate containers, now bundled into one.

LGPL-3.0 License


Sources, GitHub, GitLab and Mirroring and all that good stuff

Repositories on GitHub are now for issues only. I've set up my own installation of GitLab and moved all my repositories over to Make sure to check there first for the latest code before opening an issue on GitHub.

For questions, you can always join my Discord server and talk to me there.


App-Collection is, as the name implies, a collection of various apps which I have previously released in separate Docker Containers and am now moving/collecting into one single container.Please keep in mind that the first start of the container may take a while.That is due to the apps and how they are installed on first run as they are not part of the image itself.Especially Composerize can take a couple of minutes to finish.

Current applications:

Creator Repository
lukaszmn active-forks, a fork of techgaun's active-forks
magicmark composerize
bucherfa Griefed's dcc-web, a fork of bucherfa's dcc-web
ThreadR-r sui-dashboard-status, a fork of jeroenpardon's sui
maeglin89273 triangulator
schalkt tgen
RundesBalli Griefed's, a fork of RundesBalli's
RundesBalli php-noise
App-Collection Screenshots
active-forks composerize
sui-dashboard-status triangulator
tgen php-noise


Creates a Container which runs Griefed's docker-App-Collection, with lsiobase/nginx as the base image, similar to

The lsiobase/nginx image is a custom base image built with Alpine linux and S6 overlay. Using this image allows us to use the same user/group ids in the container as on the host, making file transfers much easier


Tags Description
latest Using the latest tag will pull the latest image for linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64.
develop The latest image of, if existent, the in-dev version of this container. Use at your own risk!

Using GitHub Workflows, images for this container are multi-arch. Simply pulling :latest should retrieve the correct image for your architecture. Images are available for linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64.

Pre-built images

using docker-compose:

version: "2"
    image: griefed/app-collection:latest
    container_name: app-collection
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin # Timezone
      - PUID=1000 # User ID
      - PROTOCOL=https # The protocol used to access this container. Either HTTP or HTTPS.
      - PGID=1000 # Group ID
      - INSTALL_TRIANGULATOR=true # Whether to install triangulator. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_TGEN=true # Whether to install tgen. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_NGINXCONFIG_IO=true # Whether to install Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_DCC=true # Whether to install dcc. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_COMPOSERIZE=true # Whether to install composerize. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_ACTIVE_GITHUB_FORKS=true # Whether to install Active GitHub Forks. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_PHP_NOISE=true # Whether to install php-noise. Either true or false.
      - # The address of the device this container is running on. Can be an IP or sub.domain.tld.
      - /host/path/to/config:/config # Contains all application data and base-image config files
      - 443:443 # https
      - 80:80 # http

Using CLI:

docker create \
  --name=app-collection \
  -e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PROTOCOL=https \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e INSTALL_TGEN=true \
  -e INSTALL_DCC=true \
  -e \
  -v /host/path/to/config:/config \
  -p 443:443 \
  -p 80:80 \
  --restart unless-stopped \


Configuration Explanation
Restart policy "no", always, on-failure, unless-stopped
config volume Contains config files and logs.
TZ Timezone
PUID for UserID
PGID for GroupID
DOMAIN The address of the device this container is running on. Can be an IP or sub.domain.tld.
PROTOCOL The protocol used to access this container. Either HTTP or HTTPS.
INSTALL_DCC Either true or false.
INSTALL_COMPOSERIZE Either true or false.
INSTALL_NGINXCONFIG_IO Either true or false.
INSTALL_TGEN Either true or false.
INSTALL_TRIANGULATOR Either true or false.
INSTALL_PHP_NOISE Either true or false.
ports The port where the service will be available at.

INSTALL and .lock files

If INSTALL_-variable is set to false, App-Collection will not install that app during boot. If set to true, App-Collection will install the corresponding app and place a appname.lock file in the /config/www/ folder. If at any point you wish to reinstall one of the apps, make sure the corresponding appname.lock file is deleted. If at any point you wish to uninstall one of the apps:

  1. Stop the container with docker stop app-collection
  2. Set the INSTALL_-variable for the app you do not want to install to false
  3. Edit your apps.json and remove entries no longer available.
    1. Optionally, if you didn't edit your apps.json, delete the folder you specified in volumes: so App-Collection will generate a fresh one.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d app-collection

User / Group Identifiers

When using volumes, permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container. avoids this issue by allowing you to specify the user PUID and group PGID.

Ensure any volume directories on the host are owned by the same user you specify and any permissions issues will vanish like magic.

In this instance PUID=1000 and PGID=1000, to find yours use id user as below:

  $ id username
    uid=1000(dockeruser) gid=1000(dockergroup) groups=1000(dockergroup)

Building the image yourself

Use the Dockerfile to build the image yourself, in case you want to make any changes to it


version: '3.6'
    build: ./docker-App-Collection/
    container_name: app-collection
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin # Timezone
      - PUID=1000 # User ID
      - PROTOCOL=https # The protocol used to access this container. Either HTTP or HTTPS.
      - PGID=1000 # Group ID
      - INSTALL_TRIANGULATOR=true # Whether to install triangulator. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_TGEN=true # Whether to install tgen. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_NGINXCONFIG_IO=true # Whether to install Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_DCC=true # Whether to install dcc. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_COMPOSERIZE=true # Whether to install composerize. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_ACTIVE_GITHUB_FORKS=true # Whether to install Active GitHub Forks. Either true or false.
      - INSTALL_PHP_NOISE=true # Whether to install php-noise. Either true or false.
      - # The address of the device this container is running on. Can be an IP or sub.domain.tld.
      - /host/path/to/config:/config # Contains all application data and base-image config files
      - 443:443 # https
      - 80:80 # http
  1. Clone the repository: git clone ./docker-App-Collection
  2. Prepare docker-compose.yml file as seen above
  3. docker-compose up -d --build app-collection
  4. Visit IP.ADDRESS.OF.HOST:8080
  5. ???
  6. Profit!

App Information

Active GitHub Forks

  • works after providing a personal GitHub token. It is used only to increase the limits to query to API. The token is stored in Local Storage only, not sent anywhere except for the GitHub API.
  • include the original repository in the list, marked in bold
  • after expanding Options, it is possible to increase the maximum amount of forks to retrieve and to utilize some kind of caching
  • retrieve commits of each fork and show the differences
  • click on box in the Diff column to see the commits


Because this version retrieves commits from every fork which is slow and uses your quota (it resets every hour, don't worry), I added two options for caching results:

  • Same size - if a fork has the same size as a fork that has already been read, it is assumed to be the same and contain the same commits.
  • Same Push Date - same but looks at the Last Push date.
    If both are selected, both conditions have to be satisfied at the same time.
    If the condition is satisfied, commits for the second fork are not retrieved but assumed to be the same as in the first fork.


IMPORTANT: Composerize has ads built into it. These are implemented by the creator of Composerize and in no way affiliated with me, Griefed. Neither I nor you or anyone hosting Composerize will earn money from these placements, other than the creator of Composerize themselves. If you want to get rid of the ads, you'll need to edit /config/www/composerize/static/js/runtime-main.c7d51d1a.js at around line 162. If you want to get rid of Google Analytics, you will need to edit /config/www/composerize/index.html.

dcc Web

I've changed the index.html and .css under /gh-pages in order for the website to be deployed with regular apache's, for example a httpd:alpine docker container.


A lot of features with corresponding configuration directives. You can deep dive into the NGINX documentation right now OR you can use this tool to check how NGINX works, observe how your inputs are affecting the output, generate the best config for your specific use-case (and in parallel you can still use the docs).

SUI Dashboard Status

Changing color themes

  • Click the options button on the left bottom


Add your apps by editing apps.json:

    "apps" : [
	    {"name":"Name of app 1","hostname":"","port":80,"href":"" ,"icon":"icon-name"},
	    {"name":"Name of app 2","hostname":"""port":8080,"href":"" ,"icon":"icon-name"}

Please note:


Add your bookmarks by editing links.json:


Add names for the categories you wish to define and add the bookmarks for each category.

Please note:

  • No , at the end of the last bookmark in a category and at the end of the last category

Color themes

These can be added or customized in the themer.js file. When changing the name of a theme or adding one, make sure to edit this section in index.html accordingly:

    <section  class="themes">


Quick usage and examples

    // initialize the generator
    var generator = tgen.init(256, 256);

    // --- texture 1 --------------------------------------------------------------

    var canvas1 = generator

    // set img src, and width height
    $('#img1').attr('src', canvas1.toDataURL("image/png")).css({width: canvas1.width, height: canvas1.height});

    // --- texture 2 --------------------------------------------------------------

    var canvas2 = generator
            .do('waves', {blend: 'difference'})
            .do('waves', {blend: 'difference'})
            .do('contrast', {"adjust": 50})

    // set img src, and width height
    $('#img2').attr('src', canvas2.toDataURL("image/png")).css({width: canvas2.width, height: canvas2.height});

    // --- texture 3 --------------------------------------------------------------

    var texture3 = generator
            .clear() // remove previous layers
            .do('clouds', {blend: 'difference'})
            .do('spheres', {blend: 'lineardodge', 'dynamic': true})
            .do('vibrance', {"adjust": 50});

    var canvas3 = texture3.toCanvas();

    // set img src, and width height
    $('#img3').attr('src', canvas3.toDataURL("image/png")).css({width: canvas3.width, height: canvas3.height});

    // --- texture 4 --------------------------------------------------------------

    // get the generated params of texture3
    var params = texture3.params();

    // get number of layers
    var layers = params.items.length;

    // change the color of clouds
    params.items[layers - 3][2].rgba = [255, 50, 10, 0.85];

    // change the blending method
    params.items[layers - 2][2].blend = 'overlay';

    // generate new texture with modified params of texture3
    var canvas4 = generator.render(params).toCanvas();

    // set img src, and width height
    $('#img4').attr('src', canvas4.toDataURL("image/png")).css({width: canvas4.width, height: canvas4.height});

    // --- texture 5 --------------------------------------------------------------

    var params = {
        "width":  256, // texture width in pixel
        "height": 256, // texture height in pixel
        "debug": true, // render info to console log, default value: false
        "items":  [
            [0, "lines2", { // layer number and effect name
                "blend": "opacity", // layer blend mode
                "count": 21, // square count
                "size":  [5, 15], // random size between 5-15%
                "rgba":  [
                    255, // fixed red channel
                    [128, 192], // random green channel between 128 and 192
                    [200, 255], // random blue channel between 200 and 255
                    [0.2, 0.6] // random opacity between 0.2 and 0.6
            [1, "spheres", { // second layer
                "blend":   "lighten",
                "origin":  "random",
                "dynamic": true, //
                "count":   21,
                "size":    [20, 100],
                "rgba":    [200, 200, 200, 0.7]
            [2, "copy", 0], // copy layer 0 to layer 1
            [2, "merge", { // merge layer 1 in to 2
                "layer": 1,
                "blend": "lighten"
            [2, "brightness", {"adjust": -10, "legacy": true}], // set brightness
            [2, "vibrance", {"adjust": 50}], // set vibrance
            [2, "contrast", {"adjust": 50}] // set contrast

    // generate
    var canvas5 = generator.render(params).toCanvas();

    // set img src, and width height
    $('#img5').attr('src', canvas5.toDataURL("image/png")).css({width: canvas5.width, height: canvas5.height});

    // --- texture 6 --------------------------------------------------------------

    // change layer of texture 5 merge blend method
    params.items[3] = [2, "merge", {
        "layer": 1,
        "blend": "difference"

    // render and add new effects
    var canvas6 = generator

    // set img src, and width height
    $('#img6').attr('src', canvas6.toDataURL("image/png")).css({width: canvas6.width, height: canvas6.height});

    // --- available effects -------------------------------------------------------

    // dump all effects and default config parameters
    for (key in tgen.defaults) {

        var params = tgen.defaults[key];
        var item = $('<span><h2>' + key + '</h2>' + JSON.stringify(params) + '</span>');


Available other options

  • map (cool effect)
  • merge (copy layer with blend)
  • copy (copy layer without blend)
  • history (store last x generated texture params in localStorage)

Available events

  • beforeRender
  • afterRender
  • beforeEffect
  • afterEffect
Extracted from project README
docker-App-Collection Homepage Blog Fleet GitHub DockerHub Discord Docker Pulls Docker Cloud Automated build Docker Cloud Build Status Docker Image Size (latest by date) GitHub Repo stars GitHub forks active-forks composerize dcc-web sui-dashboard-status triangulator tgen php-noise