
Examples of local HTTPS with docker-compose + mkcert + nginx/Caddy

MIT License


Docker Compose local HTTPS

Examples of local HTTPS with docker-compose + mkcert


Run mkcert -install

Run ./ (creates local certificates using mkcert and copies them to where the Caddy and nginx examples expect them)

The setup

Each example has a barebones Node app running on the official Node 10 Docker image running on port 8080.

The Node code is at ./caddy/app/index.js, ./caddy-gen/app/index.js and ./nginx/app/index.js.

It also has a reverse-proxy set up using Caddy and nginx respectively which

Caddy Example with Caddyfile

Caddy is the HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS.

See ./caddy, uses Docker image.

To run it:

cd caddy
docker-compose up

Then either navigate to https://foo.test or curl https://foo.test.

Note: the nginx/Caddy examples needs to be stopped before starting this Caddy example

Caddy Example with docker-gen

Caddy is the HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS.

This image leverages Docker-gen to "Generate files from docker container meta-data".

Which allows us to build the configuration for the reverse proxy using labels on the target container (without a Caddyfile, that's the file generated from the labels).

See ./caddy-gen, uses Docker image.

cd caddy-gen
docker-compose up

Then either navigate to https://foo.test or curl https://foo.test.

Note: the nginx/other Caddy examples needs to be stopped before starting the Caddy example

nginx Example

nginx is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.


See ./nginx, uses Docker image.

This image leverages Docker-gen to "Generate files from docker container meta-data".

cd nginx
docker-compose up

Then either navigate to https://foo.test or curl https://foo.test.

Note: the Caddy examples needs to be stopped before starting the nginx example