
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) Dedicated Server with automated/manual updating and optional SourceMod and PugSetup/PracticeMode integrations

MIT License



Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) Dedicated Server with automated/manual updating and optional SourceMod and PugSetup/PracticeMode integrations

ℹ️ Run your CS:GO server on Hetzner Cloud for as low as €6.37/months with 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM, 40 GB storage and great performance (low sv/var)! Use my referral link to receive €20 cloud credits for free as soon as you sign up!

Table of Contents

How to Use This Image

$ docker run \
  -v=csgo:/home/csgo/server \
  --net=host \

This is a bare minimum example and the server will be:

To configure the server with more advanced settings, set environment variables.

Image Variants

Each variant refers to a tag, e.g. timche/csgo:<tag>.

latest / <version>

Vanilla CS:GO server.

sourcemod / <version>-sourcemod

Vanilla CS:GO server with untouched Metamod:Source and SourceMod.

pug-practice / <version>-pug-practice

Vanilla CS:GO server with untouched Metamod:Source, SourceMod, PugSetup and PracticeMode (by splewis).

Environment Variables



Default: None

Your Game Server Login Token (GSLT) if you want to run the server on the internet.

Sets +sv_setsteamaccount in srcds_run parameters.


Default: None

Your Steam Web API Key to download workshop maps.

Sets -authkey in srcds_run parameters.



Internet IP the server is accessible from. In most cases the default value is sufficient, but if you want to run a GOTV server or have issues connecting to the server, setting the IP can help.

Sets +ip in srcds_run parameters.


Default: 27015

Port the server is listening to.

Sets -port in srcds_run parameters.


Default: de_dust2

Start the server with a specific map.

Sets +map in srcds_run parameters.


Default: 16

Maximum players allowed to join the server.

Sets -maxplayers_override in srcds_run parameters.


Default: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

The server name. It can't contain spaces, so if you need a server name with spaces, set hostname in a config instead, e.g. server.cfg.

Sets +hostname in srcds_run parameters.


Default: changeme

RCON password to administrate the server.

Sets +rcon_password in srcds_run parameters.


Default: None

Password to join the server.

Sets +sv_password in srcds_run parameters.


Default: 128

Server tick rate which can be 64 or 128. The default value gives the best game experience, but also requires most server hardware resources.

Sets -tickrate in srcds_run parameters.


Default: 0 (Competitive)

Game type.

Sets +game_type in srcds_run parameters.


Default: 1

Game mode.

Sets +game_mode in srcds_run parameters.


Default: mg_active

Map group.

Sets +mapgroup in srcds_run parameters.


Default: false

Enable GOTV. Can be enabled with true.


Default: GOTV

Set GOTV name.


Default: None

Set GOTV password.


Default: 45

Set GOTV broadcast delay in seconds.


Default: 27020

Set GOTV port.


Default: 1

Delay the map change on game server until rest of buffered game has been broadcasted.


Default: 2


Default: 1


Default: 10

Maximum client number for GOTV.


Default: 0

Maximum bandwidth spend per client in bytes/second.


Default: 0


Default: 128

World snapshots broadcasted per second by GOTV.


Default: 60


Default: 1

By default entities and events outside of the auto-director view are removed from GOTV broadcasts to save bandwidth. If tv_transmitall is enabled, the whole game is transmitted and spectators can switch their view to any player they want. This option increases bandwidth requirement per spectator client by factor 2 to 3.


Default: false

Force client netsettings to highest rate (786432), cmdrate (128) and updaterate (128). This ensures optimal gameplay experience. Requires 128 tick rate.

Sets +sv_minrate, +sv_mincmdrate and +sv_minupdaterate in srcds parameters.


Additional srcds_run parameters.


Default: false

Disable bots completely. Can be enabled with true.

This is not setting bot_quota to 0, because it's buggy and still spawns bots when players are for example disconnecting or switching sides. This is also not setting -nobots parameter, because it's also buggy and causes radar bugs with smokes. This simply removes bot profile files, so the server can't spawn any bots as it can't find an appropriate difficulty profile. It just works™. Bots in PracticeMode still work though.


Default: /usr/csgo

Absolute path to a directory in the container containing custom server files. Changing this is not recommended in order to follow the documentation. See more at "Populating with Own Server Files".


Default: false

Add server configs for competitive 5v5, knife round, aim map and FFA deathmatch from csgo-server-configs. Can be enabled with true.


Default: 1.1.0

csgo-server-configs version. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start. Only works with SERVER_CONFIGS set to true.



sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

Default: 1.11.0

Metamod:Source version running on the server. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start.


sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

Default: 1155

Metamod:Source build number running on the server. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start. Build number must exist at version.


sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

Default: 1.11.0

SourceMod version running on the server. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start.


sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

Default: 6969

SourceMod build number running on the server. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start. Build number must exist at version.


sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

Default: None

List of comma-separated SourceMod plugins (e.g. nextmap,reservedslots,sounds) that are disabled. * disables all plugins. The plugins are moved into the disabled folder on container start. This is running before SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_ENABLED.


sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

Default: None

List of comma-separated SourceMod plugins (e.g. mapchooser,randomcycle,rockthevote) that are enabled. * enables all plugins. The plugins are moved out of the disabled folder into plugins on container start. This is running after SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_DISABLED.


sourcemod, pug-practice image only.

List of comma-separated Steam IDs that are SourceMod admins (e.g. STEAM_0:0:123,STEAM_0:1:234) with z flag.



pug-practice image only.

Default: 2.0.7

PugSetup version running on the server. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start.


pug-practice image only.

Default: 1.3.4

PracticeMode version running on the server. Changing this will update/downgrade it on container start.


pug-practice image only.

Default: false

Disables all SourceMod plugins and enables only minimal required plugins for optimal server performance:

  • admin-flatfile
  • botmimic
  • csutils
  • practicemode
  • pugsetup

Can be enabled with true. Additional plugins can be enabled with SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_ENABLED.


pug-practice image only.

Default: None

List of comma-separated PugSetup permissions (e.g. sm_10man=none,sm_setup=admin) that are set in addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/permissions.cfg. Changes are applied on container start.


pug-practice image only.

Default: None

List of comma-separated PugSetup configurations (e.g. maptype=current,record=0:0) that are set in addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/setupoptions.cfg where the first value is the default value followed by an optional second value which is the display_setting value and a : delimiter in between them. Changes are applied on container start.


pug-practice image only.

Default: None

List of comma-separated PugSetup configurations (e.g. sm_pugsetup_autosetup=1,sm_pugsetup_quick_restarts=1) that are set in cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup.cfg. Changes are applied on container start, but not on initial container start as pugsetup.cfg must be auto-generated first by the server.


pug-practice image only.

Default: None

List of comma-separated PugSetup configurations (e.g. sm_pugsetup_damageprint_auto_color=1,sm_pugsetup_damageprint_format={NAME} [{HEALTH}]: {DMG_TO}/{HITS_TO}) that are set in cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup_damageprint.cfg. Changes are applied on container start, but requires pugsetup_damageprinter plugin to be run first.



Default: false

Validate and restore missing/fix broken server files (incl. Metamod, SourceMod, PugSetup and PracticeMode if you're using sourcemod or pug-practice images) on container start. Can be enabled with true.

This should especially be used whenever custom server files have been deleted and have overwritten files before, e.g. addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini, and you want to restore the original files.


Default: false

Print all executed commands for better debugging.

Managing SourceMod Plugins

SourceMod plugins can be managed through the environment variables SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_DISABLED and SOURCEMOD_PLUGINS_ENABLED where either selected (comma-separated list) or all (*) plugins are disabled/enabled. Plugins are disabled first and then enabled on container start.


# .env

This will disable all plugins and enable admin-flatfile, antiflood and reservedslots. Using * is useful to disable/enable all plugins without needing to specify them individually.

The pug-practice image also offers a PUG_PRACTICE_MINIMAL_PLUGINS environment variable that disables all SourceMod plugins and enables only minimal required plugins for PugSetup and PracticeMode for optimal server performance.

Populating with Own Server Files

The server can be populated with your own custom server files (e.g. configs and maps) through a mounted directory that has the same folder structure as the server csgo folder in order to add or overwrite the files at their respective paths. Deleted custom server files, which have been added or have overwritten files before, are also removed from the csgo folder. The directory must be mounted at CSGO_CUSTOM_FILES_DIR (default: /usr/csgo) and will be synced with the server csgo folder at each start of the container.

Note: See VALIDATE_SERVER_FILES on how to restore original files if they've been overwritten before but are removed now.



Custom server files in /home/user/custom-files:

├── addons
   └── sourcemod
       └── configs
           └── admins_simple.ini # Will be overwritten
└── cfg
    └── server.cfg # Will be added


/home/user/custom-files mounted to CSGO_CUSTOM_FILES_DIR (default: /usr/csgo) in the container:

$ docker run \
  -v=csgo:/home/csgo/server \
  -v=/home/user/custom-files:/usr/csgo \ # Mount the custom files directory
  --net=host \

Updating the Server

Once the server has been installed, the container will check for a server update at every container start.

Automated (recommended)

csgo-updater, a companion Docker image, is automatically watching all containers running this image and will restart them when a server update is available and the server is empty. We recommend this to update your servers without hassle.


$ docker run -d \
  --name csgo-updater \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \


Restart the container with docker restart.


Container named csgo:

$ docker restart csgo