
Alpine-based multistage-build version of goimports for reproducible usage in CI

MIT License


Docker image for goimports

All #awesome-ci Docker images

ansible-lint ansible awesome-ci bandit black checkmake eslint file-lint gofmt goimports golint jsonlint kubeval linkcheck mypy php-cs-fixer phpcbf phpcs phplint pycodestyle pydocstyle pylint terraform-docs terragrunt-fmt terragrunt yamlfmt yamllint

View Dockerfiles on GitHub.

Available Architectures: amd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7

Tiny Alpine-based multistage-build dockerized version of goimports[1], which adds the additional --ci argument[2] via a shell wrapper to ensure to exit > 0 if file diffs occur. The image is built nightly against multiple stable versions and pushed to Dockerhub.

🐳 Available Docker image versions

Rolling releaess

The following Docker image tags are rolling releases and are built and updated every night.

Docker Tag Git Ref goimports Available Architectures
latest master latest amd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7

Point in time releases

The following Docker image tags are built once and can be used for reproducible builds. Its version never changes so you will have to update tags in your pipelines from time to time in order to stay up-to-date.

Docker Tag Git Ref goimports Available Architectures
latest-<tag> tag: <tag> latest amd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7

Where <tag> refers to the chosen git tag from this repository.

📂 Docker mounts

The working directory inside the Docker container is /data/ and should be mounted locally to the root of your project.

💻 Usage


$ docker run --rm cytopia/goimports --help

Usage: cytopia/goimports [flags] [path...]
       cytopia/goimports [--ci] [-local] [-srcdir] [path...]
       cytopia/goimports --help

Dockerized version of goimports with an addition to fail (exit 1) in case of file changes.

Additional wrapper features:
 --ci   This option will print the diff to stdout (similar to '-d') and if a diff
        exists it will fail with exit 1.
        Can only be combined with '-e', '-local' and '-srcdir'.
        To be used in continuous integration with explicit failing.

Default goimports flages:
 -cpuprofile string
        CPU profile output
 -d     display diffs instead of rewriting files
 -e     report all errors (not just the first 10 on different lines)
        if true, don't fix imports and only format. In this mode, goimports is
        effectively goimports, with the addition that imports are grouped into sections.
 -l     list files whose formatting differs from goimport's
 -local string
        put imports beginning with this string after 3rd-party packages; comma-separated list
 -memprofile string
        memory profile output
 -memrate int
        if > 0, sets runtime.MemProfileRate
 -srcdir dir
        choose imports as if source code is from dir. When operating on a single file,
        dir may instead be the complete file name.
 -trace string
        trace profile output
 -v     verbose logging
 -w     write result to (source) file instead of stdout

Default goimports usage

# Print diff to stdout and exit 0
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/goimports -d .

CI wrapper usage

# Print diff to stdout and exit > 0 if diff occurs
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/goimports --ci .

🔄 Related #awesome-ci projects

Docker images

Save yourself from installing lot's of dependencies and pick a dockerized version of your favourite linter below for reproducible local or remote CI tests:

GitHub DockerHub Type Description
awesome-ci aci-hub-img Basic Tools for git, file and static source code analysis
file-lint flint-hub-img Basic Baisc source code analysis
linkcheck linkcheck-hub-img Basic Search for URLs in files and validate their HTTP status code
ansible ansible-hub-img Ansible Multiple versions and flavours of Ansible
ansible-lint alint-hub-img Ansible Lint Ansible
gofmt gfmt-hub-img Go Format Go source code [1]
goimports gimp-hub-img Go Format Go source code [1]
golint glint-hub-img Go Lint Go code
eslint elint-hub-img Javascript Lint Javascript code
jsonlint jlint-hub-img JSON Lint JSON files [1]
kubeval kubeval-hub-img K8s Lint Kubernetes files
checkmake cm-hub-img Make Lint Makefiles
phpcbf pcbf-hub-img PHP PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer
phpcs pcs-hub-img PHP PHP Code Sniffer
phplint plint-hub-img PHP PHP Code Linter [1]
php-cs-fixer pcsf-hub-img PHP PHP Coding Standards Fixer
bandit bandit-hub-img Python A security linter from PyCQA
black black-hub-img Python The uncompromising Python code formatter
mypy mypy-hub-img Python Static source code analysis
pycodestyle pycs-hub-img Python Python style guide checker
pydocstyle pyds-hub-img Python Python docstyle checker
pylint pylint-hub-img Python Python source code, bug and quality checker
terraform-docs tfdocs-hub-img Terraform Terraform doc generator (TF 0.12 ready) [1]
terragrunt tg-hub-img Terraform Terragrunt and Terraform
terragrunt-fmt tgfmt-hub-img Terraform terraform fmt for Terragrunt files [1]
yamlfmt yfmt-hub-img Yaml Format Yaml files [1]
yamllint ylint-hub-img Yaml Lint Yaml files

[1] Uses a shell wrapper to add enhanced functionality not available by original project.


Visit cytopia/makefiles for dependency-less, seamless project integration and minimum required best-practice code linting for CI. The provided Makefiles will only require GNU Make and Docker itself removing the need to install anything else.

📄 License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 cytopia

Extracted from project README
Tag License lint build nightly Docker nightly build aci-hub-img flint-hub-img linkcheck-hub-img ansible-hub-img alint-hub-img gfmt-hub-img gimp-hub-img glint-hub-img elint-hub-img jlint-hub-img kubeval-hub-img cm-hub-img pcbf-hub-img pcs-hub-img plint-hub-img pcsf-hub-img bandit-hub-img black-hub-img mypy-hub-img pycs-hub-img pyds-hub-img pylint-hub-img tfdocs-hub-img tg-hub-img tgfmt-hub-img yfmt-hub-img ylint-hub-img
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