
A Docker image with various network tools pre-installed.

MIT License


Docker Network Tools

A Docker image with various network tools pre-installed.


To launch a Bash session in your terminal:

docker run --rm -it jonlabelle/network-tools

To launch a Bash session in your terminal on arm64:

docker run --rm -it --platform linux/arm64 jonlabelle/network-tools

To run a command directly and exit when finished (nmap in this case):

docker run --rm -it jonlabelle/network-tools nmap -v

NOTE: To pull from GitHub Container Registry, instead of Docker Hub, replace jonlabelle/network-tools with

Included Tools


Tool Description Resources
nload Console network traffic and bandwidth monitor. examples
iperf A tool to measure IP bandwidth using UDP or TCP. examples
speedtest-cli CLI for testing bandwidth using usage


Tool Description Resources
arpaname Translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names. -
ddns-confgen DDNS key generation tool. -
delv DNS lookup and validation utility. -
dig DNS lookup utility. -
dnsdomainname Show the system's DNS domain name. -
dnstap-read Print dnstap data in human-readable form. -
domainname Show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name. -
drill DNS(SEC) query tool ala dig. examples
host DNS lookup utility. -
hostname Show or set the system's host name. -
libidn Encode/decode library for internationalized domain names. examples
mdig DNS pipelined lookup utility. -
named-checkzone Zone file validity checking or converting tool. -
named-compilezone Zone file validity checking or converting tool. -
named-journalprint Print zone journal in human-readable form. -
named-rrchecker Syntax checker for individual DNS resource records. -
nisdomainname Show or set system's NIS/YP domain name. -
nslookup Query Internet name servers interactively. -
nsupdate Dynamic DNS update utility. -
rndc-confgen RNDC key generation tool. -
tsig-keygen DDNS key generation tool. -
ypdomainname Show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name. -


Tool Description Resources
ab Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool. examples
curl Tool for transferring data with URLs. examples
grpcurl Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers examples
jq A lightweight and flexible command line JSON processor. examples
oath-toolkit-oathtool Generate and validate one-time passwords. man page
wget A network utility to retrieve files from the web. examples

IP Routing

Tool Description Resources
bridge Show / manipulate bridge addresses and devices. -
ctstat Unified linux network statistics. -
genl Generic netlink utility frontend. -
ifcfg Simplistic script which replaces ifconfig IP management. -
ifstat Handy utility to read network interface statistics. -
lnstat Unified linux network statistics. -
nstat Network statistics tools. -
route Show / manipulate the IP routing table. -
routef Flush network routes. -
routel List routes with pretty output format. -
rtacct Monitor kernel SNMP counters and network interface statistics. -
rtmon Listens to and monitors RTnetlink. -
rtpr Replace backslashes with newlines. -
rtstat Unified linux network statistics. -

IP and MAC address

Tool Description Resources
ifconfig Configure a network interface. examples
ipcalc Network IP calculator. man page
ipmaddr Adds, deletes, and displays multicast addresses. -
macchanger View and manipulate the MAC address of network interfaces. man page
nameif Name network interfaces based on MAC addresses. -
nftables Netfilter tables userspace tools man page
plipconfig Fine tune PLIP device parameters. -
rarp Manipulate the system RARP table. -
slattach Attach a network interface to a serial line. -

Packet analysis

Tool Description Resources
fping Search for network packets on an interface. examples
hping3 A ping-like TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. examples
ngrep Search for network packets on an interface. examples
tcpdump Dump and analyze traffic on a network. examples
tshark Network protocol analyzer (console version). man page

Scanning and discovery

Tool Description Resources
arp-scan Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packet scanner. examples
arp Manipulate the system ARP cache. -
arping Send ARP REQUEST to a neighbor host. -
clockdiff Measure clock difference between hosts. -
gping Ping, but with a graph. usage
masscan Internet-scale port scanner. examples
netstat Displays network-related information. examples
ninfod Respond to IPv6 Node Information Queries. -
nmap Network Security Scanner. examples
nping Network packet generation tool/ping utility. examples
ping6 Send IP6 ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts. -
ping Send IP4 ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts. -
rarpd Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) daemon. -
rdisc Network router discovery daemon. -

Transmission and communication

Tool Description Resources
iptunnel Creates, deletes, and displays configured tunnels. -
kcat Non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer. examples
netcat The TCP/IP swiss army knife (OpenBSD variant). examples
openssl Toolkit for Transport Layer Security (TLS). examples
socat Multipurpose relay for binary protocols. examples
ssh OpenBSD's SSH client. examples
telnet Telnet client from GNU network utilities examples
tftpd IPv4 Trivial File Transfer Protocol client. -


Tool Description Resources
mtr Full screen ncurses traceroute tool. examples
tcptraceroute Display route path using TCP probes. examples
tracepath6 Traces path to a IP6 network host discovering MTU along this path. -
tracepath Traces path to a IP4 network host discovering MTU along this path. -
traceroute6 Print the route packets trace to IP6 network host. -

Additional tools

Tool Description Resources
envsubst Perform variable substitutions on input. examples
find Search for files in a directory hierarchy. examples
git Distribute d version control system. examples
free Report the amount of free and used memory in the system. -
kill Send a signal to a process based on PID. -
locate List files in databases that match a pattern. man page
pgrep List processes based on name or other attributes. -
pkill Send a signal to a process based on name or other attributes. -
pmap Report memory map of a process. -
ps Report information of processes. -
pwdx Report current directory of a process. -
skill Obsolete version of pgrep/pkill. -
slabtop Display kernel slab cache information in real time. -
snice Renice a process. -
sysctl Read or Write kernel parameters at run-time. -
tload Graphical representation of system load average. -
top Dynamic real-time view of running processes. -
updatedb Update a file name database. man page
uptime Display how long the system has been running. -
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics. -
w Report logged in users and what they are doing. -
watch Execute a program periodically, showing output full-screen. -
xargs Build and execute command lines from standard input. examples



MIT License

Extracted from project README
cd docker pulls image size