
Docker images for testing the Symfony Intl Component

MIT License


Docker images for testing the Symfony Intl Component

Docker images for running tests of the Symfony Intl Component against various ICU/Intl versions. These images are not meant to be used on production systems.

Supported versions

  • PHP 8.1 - 8.3
  • ICU 73.2 - 74.1

For older PHP or ICU versions check out older Docker image tags.


Images are tagged with a PHP version and an ICU release separated with a dash. For example, the tag for PHP 8.3 and ICU 74.1 is 8.3-74.1.

docker run -it --rm \
  -v `pwd`:/symfony -w /symfony \
  jakzal/php-intl:8.3-74.1 \
  ./phpunit /symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Intl/Tests/

To list all available tags run the following command (requires jq to be installed):

curl -Ls '' | jq '.results[].name' --raw-output | sort

Image development

Building images

Build the latest PHP version with the latest ICU release:

make build

Build the latest PHP version with a chosen ICU release:

make build ICU_VERSION=74.1

Build a chosen PHP version with a chosen ICU release:

make build ICU_VERSION=74.1 PHP_VERSION=8.3

Running Symfony Intl tests

It's best to run these tests on a system that natively supports Docker. If you're not a Linux desktop user, you can create a digitalocean droplet with little effort (or use other cloud provider):

docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token $DIGITAL_OCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN \
                                            --digitalocean-image "ubuntu-19-04-x64" \
                                            --digitalocean-size "4gb" \
                                            --digitalocean-region "lon1" \
eval "$(docker-machine env symfony-intl)"
docker run --rm -it  jakzal/php-intl:8.3-74.1 bash

Clone the Symfony repository and switch to the branch you want to test:

git clone \
  && cd symfony \
  && git checkout icu-74.1 \
  && composer install

Run all intl-data tests:

./phpunit --group intl-data

Destroy the droplet when you're done:

docker-machine rm symfony-intl